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"I wanna get back to where we started, to the summer n i g h t"

It had been 3 days since the house party and Hailee had not told anybody about the note. It was mostly because she didn't want word going around so quickly since they didn't really know each other that well. Even though she chose not to say anything about that night, she still frequently pondered about their interaction the connection between two souls of one who starving for the other's love and one so blind from the idea that he would find love in the world; so vast

It felt so surreal and knowing that someway somehow, with such a gesture so sweet yet so cliche to the glance, it shined a light on all those dreams that were thought to simply stay dreams take a turn into becoming a reality.

Sooner or later, she knew she wanted to call the number and hear the tone of his sweet voice once again, and she did.


It was around 8 AM when Hailee awoke from her slumber, opening her eyes to the sight of morning dew on her window and sunlight peeking through the cracks of the few foggy clouds in the sky.

She had decided that this would be the day she finally called him. Throughout the duration of time that she kept the note to herself, there were many moments of hesitation on whether to call or not. She grabbed her phone, dialed his number, and initiated to contemplate once again whether it was the right time to call or not. It was the same rope of indecisiveness holding her back like all those other times.

It took her around 5 minutes to finally convince herself to call him. She dialed the number and anxiously waited for his voice to be heard on the other line.


Hearing Luke speak once again, even though he had only say one word, made her heart soar with joy to where she had almost forgotten what she was going to say.

"H-Hey... it's Hailee... you know, from the party a few days ago.."

"Wow... I didn't think you were gonna call," Luke answered, hinting a tone of shock in his voice.

"I didn't think you'd answer, especially since I called this early... sorry about that. This isn't a bad time, right? I-I can always call later- "

"Oh don't worry about it," he interrupted her.

"I've been up already since 7 anyway, so you didn't wake me up or anything,"

Hearing him speak so nonchalantly, or hearing him speak at all, emitted chills throughout her whole body and enabled her to hear her own heart palpitating. She wasn't used to hearing his sweet sublime voice sooth her ears like the sound of tranquil ocean waves and seeing such a beautiful soul the way she did 3 days ago.

"O-Oh...why? I-If you don't mind me asking..." she asked.

"I had an early recording session to do with our producer at 5 and I got back home like 20 minutes ago, so you didn't wake me up or anything," he answered.

"Oh, well that's good. You know, that I didn't wake you up." Hailee answered.

Even though he had already told her that she had not woken him, she still felt bad for even calling early. She didn't know what time what be a completely convenient time to call since she didn't have a grasp on what his daily schedule was, which made it difficult for her to try not stress him out, even a little.

Compared to hers, which normally wasn't much at the time, was completely different to a member of a popular band. She could only imagine the time it took to write songs, having to sing for your fans 100% ready to conquer the stage each time, going through the hardships of being able to keep sanity throughout your constant presence in the limelight of the public eye, and keeping a smooth reputation in order to not cause turmoil in your career.

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