Long Time, No See

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Aaliyah POV

Me and R.Kelly had already released three Albums in a year which made a lot of hits, and today I'm like famous I never thought I would become this famous adult, today I'm working on One In A Million I've been working very hard every day I barely get to watch T.V or do anything, I kept hearing my childhood friend grows up to be the most famous person ever but I have my own life.

I was in my house with Selena and Left Eye we were hanging out and I finally stopped working.

Brandy ran in the house jumping up and down we looked at her like she was crazy.

“Guess who I got tickets and V.I.P tickets to see,”She screamed

“Who,”We said

“M to the I to the C to the H to the A to the E to the L Jackson !!!!,”She screamed

My face fell she held up four tickets, I don't know what to do I haven't seen Michael for a very long time I missed his sweet voice and how kind he was.

“Aaliyah come on the concert starts in an hour,”Selena said

I jumped up and and ran to my bed room took a shower and got dressed. Once I got down stairs we left to the concert.

Flashing cameras were all on me and the girls we had to hurry we could hear his music already playing we had got middle seats body guards surrounded us everybody screaming Michael's name he looked good pretty fine, one of my guards whispered in my ear.

“Frank will like you to be a surprise to Michael,”He whispered

“Alright make sure no one knows,”I whispered back he lead me back stage I saw Frank I smiled and hugged him.

“Hello Frank,”I said

“Hi Aaliyah Michael has not stop talking about you every since you started singing now come on were here to surprise him,”He said

I smiled he led me to the curtains I saw Michael singing a guard whispered something in his ear which he chuckled.

“Look's like I have a surprise,”He said

Everybody started screaming for him Frank nodded I held the mic and started.

Let Me now, Let me now, ”I singed

I stepped on stage nervous Michael head whipped to me I had my glasses on I took them off “When I feel like I feel,”I stopped because I felt like I was about to burst into tears I just gave a weakly smile Michael smiled.

“Everybody Welcome Aaliyah to the stage,”He said

I bit my lip and held my tears in and waved to the crowd wow I haven't been able to be close to him for awhile it so hard to keep myself from crying.

“Were going to sing Human Nature alright Aaliyah,”He said

“Alright,”I said

Human Nature was one of my favorite from Michael the song started I started moving to the music.

Looking out
Across the nighttime
The city winks a sleepless eye

Hear her voice
Shake my window
Sweet seducing sighs

Get me out
'Into the nighttime
Four walls won't hold me tonight

If this town
Is just an apple
Then let me take a bite

If they say
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
If they say
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way,” He singed

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