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Aaliyah POV

I woke up to hear the shower running I yawned and sat up and looked at the time it was 12:35 PM uh I sat up and went to go knock on the bathroom before I could the door swung opened which made me bump into Michael's chest ouch that hurt I rubbed my head and groaned.

"Sorry are you okay,"He asked

I opened my eyes and gasped and closed them "Oh my bad,"He said he reached over my head and grabbed a towel "You can open your eyes it's not like we haven't seen each other naked before,"He said I blushed remembering the night he took my V-card wasn't bad at all but still painful I hit playfully on the chest.

"Yes we have but doesn't mean we still have to see each other naked," I chuckled

"Ah so you do remember I thought you would forget how you sound like an angel it was sweet,"He said huskily

I crossed my arms "I have to get back home so see ya Mike,"I said patting him on the shoulder he hugged me and I left to my house.

When I got there I heard Ginuwine, we and Miss Elliot and Timberland doing an album together, I went straight to my room and took a shower, once I got out I put on a crop top and baggy pants I was dancing and singing to Baby Be Mine in my living room I was swaying my hips and grooving to the beat which was smooth I felt hands on my hips I jumped and turned around to see Ginuwine I crossed my arms.

"Hahaha you look cute when you do that,"He laughed

"Boy shut up,"I said walking and turning on a beat that is to dancing I started dancing.

"Get it gurl,"He said

I laughed and did a twist and moved side to side then pointed in the front then rocked with it and spinned to one side the to the other side, when I was done Ginuwine clapped I smiled and turned on Lady in My Life and started slow dancing with Ginuwine.

"I saw you and Michael last night I mean do guys have a thing for each other, "He said spinning me then rocking to the beat.

"No were just best friends Dad nothing more,"I said sarcastic

"Oh I wasn't trynna be your daddy our anything I was just asking cause me Kid always keep it a secret , "He said

I giggled and moved my hips against his waist his hands had mine crossed against my chest and his hands on top as we moved to the beat he spun me around and then we were face to face the music stopped so I walked out Ginuwine was behind me my door bell rung so I opened it and saw my main on like BffGff Kidada Jones yes Quincy Jones daughter I screamed and hugged her we jumped up and down.

"Wassup Al," She yelled

"Wassup baby Kid how's RaRa," I yelled

"Can y'all please stop yelling," Genuine yelled

"Is that who I think it is ," She said then jumped on Genuine and started kissing him Gosh they are so cute together "KJ stop save that for later," Ginuwine said huskily I laughed "Would y'all stop with that lovey dovey mess gosh, anyways I was wondering if y'all wanted to go to the club tonight," I said Kidada hopped off Ginuwine and put her hands in her hips "Of course so come on let's get dressed," She said "Uh I'm going out with Timb and Elliot so see ya," He said he left I went to go shower for the party.

"Is that who I think it is ," She said then jumped on Genuine and started kissing him Gosh they are so cute together "KJ stop save that for later," Ginuwine said huskily I laughed "Would y'all stop with that lovey dovey mess gosh, anyways I was wo...

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