Sad In Neverland

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Two Weeks Later

Me and Michael was out with the kids at the swimming pool. I pushed Michael in the pool “Aahh,”He screamed we laughed he moved his hair out of his face “Oh it's on,”He laughed I giggled then he jumped out the pool I ran he chased me the kids did to I was at the edge of the pool I smiled “Michael No, please No,”I pleaded he laughed I tried to turned around and didn't even notice I slipped and fell in the pool “Whoah,”I screamed I couldn't swim so that's why I told him no, I freaked out I held my breath and splashed my heel was stuck in my dress and I let my mouth opened and a lot of water got in my mouth Michael picked me up and set me on the edge I started coughing “You okay Liyah,”He said coughed “Y-Yeah, I'm fine Mike,”I said he pulled my dress off of my heels “Are you coming in the water or sitting out,”He said I smiled faintly “I'll sit out cause my dress went from black to see threw,”I said he chuckled I sat down and watched him play with the kids it made me think, would Michael want kids in the future, would he even think about it, Would I like to have kids, well of course I wouldn't mind to but it depends on what Mike wants.

“Ms Haughton there is someone on the phone for you,”A maid said I looked at her and raised an eyebrow “Did they say their name,”I asked “No but it's a he,”She said I frowned and got up and she led me to the phone which I answered.

“Hello,”I said

“Hello Princess see you with Michael,”He said

“Prince yes I am so why are you calling his house,” I asked

“Cause I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the lake,”He asked I giggled and put my hands on my hips.

“No-,”Once I said no the phone went dad I looked at the phone and huffed then slammed the phone down and made my way back to the pool and when they were finished we ate dinner.

Michael POV

After Dinner, We put the kids to sleep. Aaliyah was taking a shower I was watching Beverly Hill Cops until there was a knock on the door Mary came in “Mr Jackson their is someone on the phone looking for Ms Haughton,”She said I got up who is this person that's calling Aaliyah I answered the phone.

“Hello,”I said

“Hello, is this Ms Haughton ,”A voice said sounding familiar “No it's Michael Jackson, but I'll take a message, but may I ask who is this,”I said “Um Mr Nelson, well can you tell Ms Haughton she forgot her panties and bra at my house and tell her I had a very fun time three days ago thank you bye,”He said, my heart broke she slept with Prince, I ran up to my room I burst threw the door hot tears ran down my face.

Aaliyah POV

I just got out the shower with my clothes on combing my hair when the door busted open I whipped around it was Michael tears ran down his face “Get Out,”He yelled I jumped in fright “Michael what's wrong-,”He cut me off he started throwing things like a mad man “Get Out, Get out, Just Leave Go Don't Ever Come Back,”He kept screaming at me I was kinda scared I stumbled into the he threw my bag at the door I picked it up and started crying “Michael What did I d-,”He cut me off by breaking a vase it almost hit me I covered my mouth “Get Out, GET OUT,”He screamed I cried I tried to get close but he pointed his finger at me “Michael why are you made did I do something wrong,”I sobbed “Did You Sleep with Prince,”He asked I stopped is this what this is about “Yes bu-,”He cut me off and started throwing things and he started throwing small things at me I fell on a piece of glass it cut straight threw my leg I cried in agony and ran/limped out the door everyone looked at me I sobbed and ran out the door Bill ran after me “Aaliyah what is wrong,”He asked I shook my head “Take me home please,”I said he looked at my leg “Aaliyah your bleeding,”He said I sobbed loudly “Just take me home he doesn't me anymore he doesn't want me here,”I sobbed he nodded I got in the and carefully took the glass out my thigh which hurt I cried loudly and grabbed a flannel shirt out of my bag and put it around my leg to make the blood stop .

I can't believe he told Michael I slept with him he such an asshole. Once I got home I crawled to the door the house was clean I didn't care I limped up the stairs I walked in the bathroom my makeup was smeared I took off my silk pajamas and grabbed the first aid kit and started stitching myself up while I did I was sobbing hardly then Genuwine and Kidada passed me but not fully they stopped Kidada ran to me “Aaliyah, OH MY GOSH AALIYAH,”Kidada said I tide the not and my lips trembled “Aaliyah what happened at Neverland,”She said my lips trembled a little “Michael, h-he t-thinks I cheated on him with Prince cause Prince told him something that happened two years ago,”I said trying to not to cry “Then what happen to go damn leg did Michael do that,”Ginuwine said I shook my head and wiped my tears “No he was throwing things at the walls so I fell on it and Now I don't know what to do except for Kill Prince,”I said Genuine carried me to my bed room I dialed Prince numbered he answered.

“Hey Princess I thought you would never gonna call,”He asked my lips trembled “You bastard, How could you, How could you do that, it was only two years ago,”I screamed “Wait hold up I only told Michael a joke I said that you left your panties and Bra at my place unless he asked you did you sleep with me,”He said I sobbed loudly “UGGGH PRINCE, WHEN I SEE YOUR ASS I'M CUTTING YOUR FUCKING DICK OFF,”I screamed before slamming the phone down I started crying in my bed hard until I fell asleep he's an asshole.

Hmmm that was sad really sad 😭😭😭😭 💋💋✌✌✌✊😭😭👊👊💋💋💋💋💋💋👊👊💯.

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