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Rashad POV

I was riding around with Brandy we had just got from my Momma house now we heading to my sister's house Aaliyah.

“I heard Michael is here,” I said Brandy looked at me and laughed “When we went to his concert Aaliyah missed him so much she burst into tears when he sung to her,” She laughed I chuckled “My little sis always sensitive what did he sing,” I asked pulling up to her drive way “I'll be there I was about to cry myself,” She said I turned off the car and got out and went to the door I grabbed the spare key under the door “I hope she here,” Brandy said before I opened the door .

We walked in and closed the door and there was water all over the floor the balcony door was opened “What the hell happened in here,” I said we heard Music coming from up stairs I looked at Brandy she laughed quietly we quietly walked up the stairs and we looked down the hall my sister house was big we walked down the hall we heard moans Brandy laughed I looked at her “Shhh,” I laughed quietly then we stopped her moans were none stop I pulled out my phone and called her but she didn't answer I looked at Brandy “Alright we gonna go downstairs and start ringing the door bell," I whispered “Okay," She whispered laughed and we quietly walked back to the front door and ringed the bell three times.

Aaliyah POV

I heard the door ring so I slipped on my undergarments and my nightgown with my bunny slippers and spread my perfume Michael put on his boxer I put on my silk robe and ran downstairs and it was wet so I brushed my hair out with my finger and answered the door and was surprised my brother I shrieked and jumped and hugged him.

“Eeewww Rashad you nasty,” Brandy laughed

Rashad squirmed I looked at him “What's wrong,” I said he scrunched his face “Sis you know I love you but got damn girl have you heard of whisper moans,” He said I hit his shoulder playfully “Well I didn't know you were going to come during my evening session,” I said mischief and whipped around and walked to the kitchen they sat on the stool .

“So how you been Lil sis,” Rashad said I licked the spoon that had my favorite ice cream Cookies and Cream I squealed and moaned “So freaking good,” I said they laughed I laughed and started dancing and bobbing my head and swaying my hips Brandy and me did booty bump “Hmf I came here to spend sometimes with my sis and she is over here booty bumping,”Rashad whined I stopped and ran and grabbed his cheeks and wiggled them “Aww little RaRa don't be such a baby," I baby talked him “Sis stop it,” He said I kept doing it until Michael giggled Brandy laughed I made a duck face “Liyah if you don't let go of my cheeks,” Rashad said I laughed “Aaww RaRa you are suck Pussy Cat,” I said stopping and slapped his cheek he growled I meowed him “Well Michael this is my brother Baby Rashad I think you remember him when he was a baby he thinks he's the oldest Kitty Cat Haha,”I laughed and turned on the TV and saw Prince we had a little bit of Chemistry ya know what I mean I screamed and jumped up down “AAAHHH PRINCE, PRINCE!!!!!,” I screamed and settled down and watched the interview.

“Hello today we have a legend Prince here, how are you Prince,” The lady said he chuckled “I'm fine,” He said she nodded “So what female artist do you think is great at there job and who you would like to date,” She said he bit his lip and chuckled and put his hands on his chin “Well you know there are so many and my eye has always been on this one particular girl and has a beautiful voice ,” He chuckled she giggled “Who would that be,”She said he bit his lip “Aaliyah Haughton,” He said I felt my heart stop holy shit!! My heart literally hurts I was struggling to breath I felt my hands shaking then all of a sudden I fell and I barely could breath I was struggling my heart hurts like hell all I saw was the light was all I saw.

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