Don't Leave Me

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Three months later

I was at my concert back stage finished performing my songs I looked in the mirror and a part of me was missing and it was Michael my lips trembled I started to cry a little but it was time to go so I quickly dabbed my tears and grabbed my stuff and headed out my guards helped me out Reporter's asked questions.

"Aaliyah, Aaliyah are you and Michael together,"A reporter said I felt my eye's water I looked at the Camera "No were just friends,"I said.

I got in the limo with Ginuwine my leg was still damaged I limped every second I looked out the window and started crying Ginuwine rubbed my back "Baby girl you can't keep wailing over him,"He said I looked at him "I know but it's hard I really need him, I need him, I also with R. Kelly a month ago,"I sobbed he hugged me "Baby Girl just focus on you right now he will come to you on his own Baby girl just be patient, and damn you messed up,"He said I sobbed and nodded.

We got home laid in bed with my panties and big sweater on my thigh high socks I watched TV and ate Salad while Kidada and Genuine went out I looked at my stitches I should go to the studio yup exactly what I'm gonna do, I limped up and carefully put on my baggy clothes with a black bra under my baggy shirt I left it open and put on timberland's I put my bang out grabbed my keys and bag I limped downstairs and locked my door and drove to the studio.

I got to the studio and limped inside I tried to hide it, when I opened the door Missy and Elliot was smoking with dark chocolate guy he was bald to I smiled "Hey Missy, Hey Tim,"I said they looked at me and nodded I sat down when I did I left my leg straight out I could tel they were looking at me I looked at them and smiled "Who's he,"I asked putting my hair behind my ear "Well This is my Man Tupac Shakur, Tupac this is Aaliyah Aka Baby Girl,"Timbaland said I smiled and looked at him "It's nice to meet you Tupac,"I said handing my hand out he shook it "Nice to meet you to Baby Girl,"He said I looked at Timbaland and Missy "So Tim I wanna record a new song,"I said he raised an eyebrow "Wait you made a song,"He said I sighed and fiddled with my hands "Yup,"I said Missy chuckled I limped up and grabbed me a sprite then sat back down and when I opened it I could tell they were looking at me I looked at them then looked around "Why y'all staring at me,"I said Timbaland crossed his arms Missy shook her head I drunk my sprite "What's wrong with yo Leg Baby Girl,"Timba said I felt my heart beat pump slow I put down my drink then looked at him "Well Something happened between me and Mike he was angry he threw a Vase at the door and told me to get out so Guess what I did it and slipped and boom there goes my happy relationship with the King Of Pop and my best friend, but anyways I slipped and fell on the Vase and cut my leg and there ya go that's why I'm limping,"I said taking another sip of my pop there was an awkward moment of silence "So Are you ready to record,"I said he nodded I got up limped in the studio and started recording .

"You ready Baby Girl,"He said I looked at my paper closed my eyes "Yeah,"I said he started playing the beat that I gave him I let out a breath and sucked it right back up and thought about Michael and what he said.

Hmmmm yeah Oh no-no no, no, noooh

Hey my baby
Why you looking so down
Seems like you need loving
Baby you need a girl like me

Hey My Baby,
Tell me why youu cry
Take my hand and (yeah) , wipe those tears from your eye's .

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