Chapter 12

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The months continued to pass. Before I knew it, October had vanished. In that time, Chad had mailed back the legal documents I'd sent him. I was thankful to his co-operation with what I wanted.

November flew by, and all of a sudden I was facing the Christmas festive season. In that time, I'd felt the baby kick for the first time. Taylor had finished his exams and now all that he had to do was wait for his results. It meant that he no longer had to attend school, so it was just Courtney and me on the bus rides now. Dad had reluctantly released me of my curfew, and so now I was at the Elliotts' place whenever I had free time.

My baby was growing at a constant and rapid rate. Soon, I'd be able to give Don a run for his money on belly size. I had to start wearing maternity clothing and it was weird to see myself naked now. I had a huge roundness poking out of my abdomen.

Christmas was only a week away now, and I was preparing for when I would have to say goodbye to my school friends for a few months.

At lunch break, there were many tears flowing. Sophie and Hayley were crying so much that it was making Josh and Zac become a little teary also. Courtney didn't cry, for she knew I'd see her quite often.

"I'm going to miss you so much Nassy," Sophie sobbed when there was only a few minutes to go until lunch break ended. She pulled me into a gentle hug.

"I'm going to miss you too Soph," I cried into her shoulder.

"We have to catch up through the holidays," Hayley said as she pulled me away from Sophie and into her own hug.

"Definitely," I said.

The bell sounded, declaring the end of lunch break.

I pulled away from Hayley and gave both Zac and Josh a quick hug, followed by a peck on the cheek. The six of us then raced off to class.

Last period passed much too quickly. I met Courtney at the buses, but she told me that she had to practise for the school band's Christmas show. That left me to catch the bus home alone. I took a seat by the buses, knowing that it would still be fifteen minutes before my bus left.

It surprised me when a red sedan car drove up the bus loop, stopped in front of me, and started beeping its horn. I looked to see who it was that was driving, and saw that it was Taylor - he must have finally bought the car that he'd been talking about.

I jumped into the passenger seat and threw my bag over my shoulder and onto the back seat.

"So, you finally bought the car then," I said as I turned to face him.

"Sure did. This is its maiden voyage - well, at least with me behind the wheel," he chuckled to himself.

He started the car and pulled out of the school, but instead of heading west to Bannockburn, he headed east, further into Geelong.

"Where are we going Taylor?" I asked, confused.

He grinned, "Do you remember all those months ago when I promised to take you to the beach one day? Well, this is the day."

"Oh, but I haven't got anything to change into," I said, disappointed as to what I was going to miss out on.

"Never mind," he said, "I've got it all sorted." He pointed his thumb over his shoulder to the back seat.

I turned to look at what he was pointing to. I saw that there were towels, various clothing items, and other paraphernalia scattered across the back of the car.

"I'm sure that there'll be something there to fit you," he said as he reached over and took my hand in his.

I smiled contently, and squeezed his hand, letting him know that I felt ready. Lately, I'd been feeling more and more confident about starting a proper relationship with Taylor.

That Was Unexpected! (Unexpected, #1)Where stories live. Discover now