Chapter 22

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"Are you ready?" Taylor finally asked, grinning suspiciously.

I looked at him through narrowed eyes, "Are you ever going to tell me where we're going?"

"In due time, Nas. Now, are you ready?" I knew he wanted to hurry up and get on the road, but he hid his impatience rather well.

I let out a sigh, "Yes, I'm ready."

"Excellent," he beamed as he grabbed my hand and yanked me out of my house and to his car.

I caught yet another glance of a joyous Dad and Becky. I had been asking them all day about what they were so happy about, but they refused to tell me. In truth, I hated being excluded when everyone seemed to know something and I didn't. I hated it even more seeing as Taylor was the alleged starter of said secret.

Taylor opened the car door for me, and I sat inside, not buckling the seat belt, seeing as it was rather irritating to the baby. Taylor walked around to his side and as soon as he was seated and secured, we were driving down the Midland Highway towards Geelong.

He was very good when driving, and so he never took his eyes off the road in front of him. I took the time to act angry and annoyed, seeing as I was still being excluded.

"You know, I really hate not knowing what everyone else knows. And it's even worse, seeing as I believe this secret is about me," I finally said, breaking the silence.

Taylor breathed a sigh and grabbed my right hand with his left. "Do you know what day it is today, Nas?"

I racked my brains. It wasn't his birthday, and it wasn't mine. We didn't have any hospital appointments for the baby and I didn't think there was anything special on in Geelong. I tried remembering the date. It was still February, and the baby was due in about six weeks, so it would have to be... "Oh my goodness, Tay. Happy Valentine's Day!" I rejoiced.

He smiled, happy that I'd finally figured it out. "And a Happy Valentine's Day to you too, my love. I knew it would only be a matter of time before you caught on." He pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it gently. Tingles of electricity were left in place of his lips.

I was suddenly overjoyed about where we were going for the most romantic day of the year. "So, where are we going?" I asked, impatient.

"Again, ma'am, I am restricted in telling you such details. You shall find out in due course," he released my hand from his, mocked an army salute and grasped my hand again. I only rolled my eyes and gave up on finding out, seeing as it would only be wasted breath.

By nightfall, we had made it into the CBD of Geelong, but Taylor continued driving until we were on the southern outskirts of the city. Taylor parked the car along the side of a lightly lit road before turning to look at me. "Wait here a second," he said before unclipping his seat belt and exiting the car. I strained my eyes to see where he was going, but everything was so dark.

Suddenly, my door was being opened and I recognised Taylor in the faint glow of the overhead light in the car. He held his arm out for me and I quickly grabbed my handbag from the floor and flung it over my shoulder before placing my hand in his own. He helped me out of the car before closing the door and clicking the remote in which made the car doors lock.

"Thank-you," I said, probably a little too late.

"Anytime," he whispered as he brushed his lips over mine.

Before I was able to kiss him back, he had pulled away with nothing but love flowing through his eyes and led me to wherever he was taking me. Only then did I look around the street to see where we were exactly. I noticed that this road was fringed by many different restaurants; each specialising in a different country's style of food.

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