Chapter 14

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I woke the next morning with the feeling of euphoria coursing through my veins. I kept my eyes shut and searched the sheets for the cause of my state of ecstasy, but my hands came up void. My eyes flew open, and there was nobody in sight. My curtains were closed, my door shut, and most depressing, the bed space beside me was empty. I got out of bed with my previous feeling of elation having had vanished.

I walked over to my wardrobe and searched its shelves for a pair of my black tracksuit pants. I traded my pyjama pants for the more comfortable trackies, and began to exit my room. When I had stepped out the door, a sweet smell was wafting through the house. It was a pleasant and delicious smell, but I didn't know what the cause of it was.

As I descended the stairs one by one, I noticed that the house was oddly quiet. Usually, Dad and Becky were up when the sun was up - regardless of the day. It was strange not hearing the mumble of voices on the television or the crackling of the radio.

I walked through the quiet lounge room and stopped when I reached the open doorway into the kitchen. Here, my high spirits came flooding back to me. Taylor was standing in front of the stove, cooking whatever was making that delicious smell.

I tip-toed over to him, stood behind him, and wrapped my arms around his waist. My actions gave him a slight shock of the surprise.

"Good morning sleepy-head," he said, placing his left arm over mine - holding it there.

"Morning," I stated as I nestled my head into his back, which was covered by a plain white t-shirt, "What are you doing?" I still wasn't sure what was making the mouth-watering smell.

"I am making my gorgeous girl some pancakes for breakfast. And speaking of such, I have just finished the last one," he said each word with perfect distinctions.

"Wow, pancakes. Really?!" I asked, releasing my hands from his waist and walking around to see what he was doing. "I haven't had pancakes in so long!"

He smiled, but otherwise didn't say anything. He lifted the last pancake out of the pan and placed it atop a huge stack. There would have had to have been twelve, at least. I looked at him in shock.

"What?" he asked, showing a mixture of unsure emotions.

"You've made all that," I directed to the plate, "for two people?"

"Ah, correction," he replied, grinning at me, "I've made all this," he directed to the plate as I had done, "for three people," he directed to my belly.

When he said it like that, I realised that I did eat more than my fair share at meal times now. "True," I smiled.

He smiled back, turned off the gas stove and turned around to face me. He put his hands on either side of my face and brought his down to kiss me. It was a polite kiss - nothing like the other more passionate ones we'd partaken in previously.

He pulled away, and went about putting things on a breakfast tray. On the tray, pancakes, plates, cutlery, maple syrup, fruits, orange juice and glasses were placed. He directed to the front door, "Shall we?" he asked.

I nodded and followed him outside. He led the way around the house's veranda decking, to the back part which was used as an entertainment area. It was at least four times the width of the rest of the veranda, and had a table with chairs set up in the centre. There were pot plants placed here and there, and a stereo and television were placed in opposing corners. The railing which was opposite the house wall broke in the middle to reveal a short flight of stairs into the bare backyard.

Taylor placed the tray down on the table. He started taking things off and placing them here and there on the table. Once he was satisfied, he pulled out a chair, and directed me to sit on it. I did so, and he unexpectedly pushed me back towards the table. He sat on the chair beside me and started plating up the pancakes.

That Was Unexpected! (Unexpected, #1)Where stories live. Discover now