Love and Sunshine

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Hermione POV
I think that I'm getting very exited about the new people, its great to meet people from different places. I think I am most excited about the Annabeth girl, she seems cool from what Percy said about her. We have alot in common. Now that I think about it, Percy seems to talk about her more fondly than the rest of the people coming. Merlin, I hope they are not dating. As I smoothed my skirt a little I realized that I had actually swooped down to the level of dressing to impress a guy. I stopped and told myself that I shouldn't care. It wasn't very effective as I still wanted Percy to invite me to the dance. After a nice breakfast without the americans, I think Harry had mentioned that they were preparing for the guests. We walked down to the dungeons for potions. I was surprised to find the americans down there already.
Today we were reviewing potions from last year starting with Amorentia the love potion.
"Who can tell me what Amorentia smells like?" asked Professor Slughorn. My hand shot up. He signalled at me to talk at me.
"It smells like whatever attracts that person." I recited, remembering that I smelled books, freshly cut grass and another smell that seemed familiar.
"Mr. Jackson come tell us what you smell" said Professor Slughorn, snapping me out of my memory.
"Okay" He shrugged, walking towards the bubbling cauldron. "I smell blueprints, the ocean and horses and..." He sniffed "Enchiladas" some people snickered. Thalia rolled her eyes and muttered something about some guy named Grover and unhealthy obsessions.

Percy's POV
The day after we had that potions class, I woke up and realized that our friends were coming tomorrow didn't have a very nice start. I was awoken by Thalia like I am every morning, then we all went down to breakfast. I was rudely stared at and giggled at all morning by girls for no reason. I scarfed down some food and daydreamed about Annabeth who is insanely smart, pretty, has nice blond curls that bounce when you pull and let go.
"Percy? Can I talk to you?" Said... I-don't-know-her-name, she had straight brown hair and was joined by her friend who had curly carrot top red hair.
"You already are" I sassed back
"Okay" She said confused "Anyway would you like to come to the dance with me tomorrow night?"
"Would you like to go with me, Nico?" her friend asked when the girl was done. Nico choked, Thalia happened to catch this part and she snorted, being her very loudly.  The girls pretended to not have heard her snort. Nico proceeded to turn beet red.
"So is that a yes?" the girl asked Nico.
"No, sorry," he said "I think I speak for Percy too" I nodded violently. The girls started crying and ran away. The whole hall was staring at us, well its not my fault that Nico is gay and I have a girlfriend. That was the first thing that happened today. Second thing a bunch of girls asked Nico and me to the dance and we politely declined. Thalia list her composure by the third time, she laughed so hard until she was out of breath.

Annabeth's POV
I'm going to surprise my Seaweed Brain by coming a day early. Argus drove us to the airport where we would be boarding a plane to London. Someone decided to give Leo coffee, my best guess is the Stolls, Leo was bouncing everywhere on the plane and the car to England, Grover ate 50 tin cans, Will just listened to music for a while but soon fell asleep, and Rachel was drawing a picture of a field that looked suspiciously like the garden on Mount Olympus. By the time we arrived at the airport in London, I had finished my book and had imagined every possible meeting with Percy. There was this man standing at the gate with a sign that said 'Exchange Students' on it. We went up to him. He said his name was Arthur. He took us to a place called Diagon Alley to buy our school stuff and then to King Cross station.
I may or may not have squealed slightly when I saw the castle. When the train stopped we had to take this boat to the school, more like castle. I looked around and we were on a dark lake and you could see the faint outline of a forest of to the side of the castle.

Hermione's POV
When we sat down for dinner, we were all surprised to see that the golden platters and plates were still not overfilling with food. Mcgonnagal started to give an explanation of why the food was not here yet:
"Quidditch tryouts will be next week on Monday. And in case you were wondering why there is currently no food, that is because we will be eating with the exchange students who are arriving right now" As she said that Percy, Thalia and Nico jumped with excitement. Soon as the door opened a two blonde kids; a guy with blue eyes and tanned skin and a girl with curly hair and grey eyes who had some owl earrings on. Then a redhead boy who was wearing a hat and had crutches and girl with big curly hair and paint splattered jeans and finally a crazy Latino Santa elf with grease stains on his face and clothes with a tool belt came in came in. The blonde girl scanned the room for a while as if looking for someone. Then Percy yelled
"WISE GIRL!" he started to take of into a run towards her.
"SEAWEED BRAIN" she yelled. They ran at each other and collided in a kiss, he picked her off the ground and my heart stopped.

Nico's POV
I saw him, I hadn't seen him since I left camp and things were just starting to get serious in our relationship.
"Sunshine" I said, not realizing I said it louder than I meant to. My legs started moving without my mind telling them to, I started to walk faster until I ran into his arms. I felt his lips press on the top of my head.
"I missed you too Angel" he said.

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