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Me and Gabriel Coleman have been partners for the last month. I know that he probably sees me as a charity case and is only staying partners with me because of some deep seated need to feel like a hero. But he makes me laugh all the time and for now I'm happy with believing that he really wants to be friends with me.

Me and gabriel were partnered up in a advanced choir class and now we have to write an original song together. Thought its a challenge wrighting the notes and getting the key of the guitar and piano to sound right together, its more of a challenge to find a time and place that we can work together to get the song started.

"Sang." I hear Gabriel's smooth voice break through my thoughts. I blush and look at his smiling face, knowing he found my day dreaming amusing.

"We were talking about where we should meet up? Or if I should come pick you up at your house?" I panic, knowing that my mother would flip if she saw a man coming up the steps, but I also know that I really have no other choice.

"Do you have a car?" I ask hesitantly. He gives me a lazy smile and nods. I take a big breath and hold it in before I give him my address.

"But please part a few houses away?" I say with a cringe. His eyes jerk to mine and his lips let into a big smile.

"You want me to sneak you out of your neighborhood?" It was more of a statement than a question but I nod anyway.

"My mom wouldnt let me out otherwise." I look away when his smile falls off his face and his eyes narrow at me.

"Ok, do you know where Kota lives? He's right across the street, and ill park there." I nod and get up off the grass we were sitting on while we waited for my bus.

"Im letting you know now, if you get into any fucking trouble Im going to fucking kill you." My eyes widen and I nod. He smirks and all I can do is stare at his gorgeous blue eyes. He smiles and pulls me into a hug then pushes me onto the waiting bus. I go to the only seat open enough to sit and sit down.

Ive been getting more and more used to hugs from him, he gives them out frequently to me and usually teases me about it when I blush or giggle because of the unexpected touch.


About three hours later i've been staring out of my window and waiting to see a car pull into the Lee's driveway. I only know there last name because Kota and his mom came and introduced themselves to us when we first moved in.

I look up and see a BMW pull into the drive way and then watch as Gabriel gets out and leans against the drivers side door with his newly changed jeans and light green tee shirt. He usually has a uniform on like the rest of the boys that hang out with him. The few times Ive talked to them they seemed like nice people.

I take a deep breath and open up my window stepping out onto the roof. I hear Gabriel calling my name quietly while Im closing my window and I turn around when I am done with my task.

His eyes are wide and he's staring at me with a disbelieving smile on his face. It looked like he was pleaseantly surprised as I jumped onto the near by tree and dropped down onto the soft grass and started sprinting towards him.

He quickly went to the passenger side door and opened it for me. I hopped in quickly and looked towards my house. I laugh when I see that nothing seems out of place other than a few leaves fallen underneath the tree. But that could be easily passed of as a squirrel... or a cat.

"Do you make a habit of climbing out windows to hang out with sexy boys?" Gabriel joked as he got into the car with me. I stared at him wide eyed while he pulled out and got onto the highway.

"Will you stop fucking staring?" He said playing with one of his blond locks in his hair. I smiled and turned out towards the road.

We drove for about 30 minutes before he pulled into a trailer park. I watched as kids played with a rubber ball and kicked it around.

"I know its not much but..." Gabriel said once we got to his home. I looked at the beige painted trailer and the light brown steps up to his door and smiled. This was a beautiful home.

"I think its awesome." I said to him as I got out of the car. I heard him huff at me and looked over.

"Why'd you do that?" He said with narrowed eyes. I lifted an eyebrow and asked what.

"I would have opened your door if you would have gave me a second." I blushed and looked back at the BMW.

"I can open my own door." I said quietly and confused. Gabriel huffed and mumbled something about Northern girls being to independent. I smiled and followed him onto the porch, waiting for him to open the door before walking in.

Ive known Gabriel for about a month now and he's the best friend I could ever ask for. He's nice and considerate and even sits with me at lunch sometimes by the trees in the court yard. He's found out alot about me and me him but I still feel like he's keeping a big secret from me.

"My rooms the last one on the right when you go down the hall." Gabriel said pointing to the hallway and walking into the kitchen.

I somewhat awkwardly walked my way down the hall and into the room. When I walked through the open door my nostrils were assaulted with different scents and colors. His room was painted like a forest and all I could do was stare.

"Do you like it?" I heard Gabriel ask from behind me. I turned around with wide eyes, to entranced by how amazing the mural on his wall was to think about how this was the first time I had been in a boys room.

"I love it." I whispered still in awe of the trees and animals in the painting to see his shoulders seem to un-tense

"Ok then, lets get started on this song." Gabriel said pulling me towards his bed.

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