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Sangs POV

I  try to cover my giggle as Gabriel's paint brush brushes over my side again. A soft pop on my thigh makes me laugh out loudly.

"Sang!" He laughs popping me again abit harder.

"You have to stop laughing you little... shit." He laughs when I kick his butt with my swinging feet on accident.

"Turn your head for me trouble." He says leaning over me. I turn my head away from him and he laughs at me again.

" Fine, trouble, don't kiss me, I see how it is." He grumbles and sits up. At the last second I turn my head, whipping him in the nose with my bun.

"You little..." He growls with a dark chuckle. A slow kiss is pressed to the shoulder that isn't covered in paint. I blush and stare at the wall.

A few minutes later he tells me I'm done.

"Already?" I ask surprised. He gets off of my hips and asks if he can take a picture.

"Of course!" I say happily. How else am I going to see what he painted.

The click of his phone taking a picture signals to me that he's really done.

"Can I see?" I say turning slightly on my stomach, covering my breasts just in case they fell out. I look up as a small smile covers his lips as he looks at his phone.

"Not unless you give me a kiss." He says looking up from the screen. I blush and look at the back of his phone.

Could I initiate a kiss? Should I?

No Sang, your half freaking naked, what are you thinking. He could rape you easily.

This is Gabriel... stupid brain. Stupid assumptions. He won't hurt me.

I blush and crook my finger at him. He smirks and gets down on his knees next to me before laying down on his stomach. When I lean in he lifts his hand up and brushes the stray hairs from my bun from my face.

"Your so gorgeous." He mummbles and leans in the rest of the way, bringing my lips to his.

He parts his lips and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, running his teeth over it before letting it go. I gasp and try and catch up to the kiss.

He groans before chuckling suddenly and pulling away.

"Fucking hell." He growls playfully and reaches for his phone that he stuck in his back pocket.

"What?" He asks into it. He smiles at me pulling a strand of hair from my bun. His eyes widen suddenly and shoot to me, my heart starts racing by the semi-panicked look on his face.

"Your what!?" He asks getting up quickly and going to the window in the living room opening the curtains.

"Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. What do you mean stop cussing? Fuck you too then." He then taps at his phone and looks at me with sorry eyes.

"Umm so trouble. My friends are here." He trails off looking at the wall behind me.

I nod and blush. He wants me to leave.

"Should I wash off the paint before I go or..."

He blinks his startling blue eyes at me and shakes his head quickly.

"I didn't mean you had to fucking leave, I just wanted to know if you were ok with staying shirtless for a minute so I can show Luke." He informs me. I blush and am about to answer when the door opens and a tall man-boy-thing- walks in. His chocolate eyes light up when they see me and then hood themselves when he scans over the rest of my body. I blush at the heated look he gives me.

"Hi there I'm Luke." He says blinking away the fog that had settled over his eyes.

"I'm Sang."

"Sang?" He says forming his lips over my name. I blush again and look to Gabriel who looks to be rolling his eyes.

"Let's go get you dressed Saa- wait never mind turn around. Luke stop flirting for a second and look at what a fucking amazing job I did and then you can go get dressed Sang."

"Oh no no I wouldn't dream of it." Luke says. (Anyone notice my reference??)

"Goddamn it Luke knock it off. Sang forget turning around let's just go get you dressed." Gabriel says grabbing my hand.

Gabriel drags me past Luke and towards the bathroom.

"Sorry about that hes a flirt... though he's not quite as bad as the doc he's still an ass when he wants to be." Gabriel rambles. I nod my understanding and grab his outstretched hand pulling him towards me, my free hand holding up the thin sheet.

He smirks and lets me pull him into my hug. I could tell he was feeling insecure and I wanted to comfort him like he always does me when he thinks I'm not in a good mood. He wraps his arms around my lower waist careful of the paint and sighs as he lays his head down sideways on my shoulder, the back of his head in the crook of my neck.

"Trouble, trouble, trouble." He mummbles, I can feel his jaw move as he speaks and for some odd reason, it's comforting to me. I feel him relax against me as I run my finger through his hair, the blond streaks my fingers catch my attention like they always do and it makes me want to giggle. But the feeling passes as he starts putting small kisses all over my shoulder and collar bone.

"Gabriel, Sang? You almost done in there? Silas is coming over and hes bringing food." Luke calls through the door. I giggle when Gabriel starts cursing at him thorough the door.

If all the times I come over here are like this, maybe I can start forgetting the horrors at home.

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