He accidentally hurts you

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Tony - 

He was messing around in his lab with his suit, testing out its powers. You went down to see him and he clearly wasn't expecting to see you as he turned round at the sound of your footsteps and blasted you with the beams from the hands of his suit. You went flying backwards into the wall and slumped down against it. Tony ran over to you, terrified that he had hurt you.

Steve - 

It was during training, you and some other Agents from S.H.I.E.L.D had been told to help Steve practice with his shield. He was doing amazingly well and you were the last Agent standing after he had knocked the others down. You were well known for being able to dodge any attack but in that split second you momentarily lost your focus, the shield hit you and down you went. Steve looked at you in shock with wide eyes as you slowly crawled to your knees, clutching your stomach in pain.

Clint - 

The two of you started off by play fighting in one of the training rooms but you were both extremely competitive and it soon turned into a full blown training  session as you both hit out at each other on the beat as you were taught. What you didn't expect was for Clint to change the beat and you didn't manage to avoid the boot that came in contact with your side and sent you crashing down to the floor.

'That was a dirty move'

'That's how you win'

Bruce - 

Bruce had Hulked out thanks to Tony pissing him off more than usual and everyone had gone into a state of terror, as expected. You were the only one who stayed calm though as you could normally calm Hulk down back into Bruce. You approached him cautiously so you didn't make him lash out even more and he watched you cautiously as you got closer to him. You thought it was working until he roared loudly in your face, making you flinch. He grabbed your small arm in his large arm and you could feel it snap before you blacked out from the pain. The next thing you remembered was waking up in the make shift hospital with a very guilty Bruce Banner looking over you.

Thor - 

It was your own fault really, you were extremely stubborn and refused to accept the fact that you couldn't lift Mjolnir. Thor kept telling you that you were gonna hurt yourself if you carried on. You still refused to stop and carried on trying to pick it up from the table and you ended up pulling it too hard and fell back onto the floor hard. Thor burst out laughing as you laid there, shocked and slightly winded. 

'Sorry babe, I guess you're just not worthy enough'

Loki -

Everyone said that dating Loki was bad for you but he had never once harmed you. Yes, he had tricked you many times for fun but never had he physically hurt you. Until now. You woke up without him next to you so you went looking for him in the house and saw that he was on the sofa watching TV. You went to jump on his lap and scare him but just as you were about to land on him, he disappeared! It was a projection. You ended up bouncing on the sofa and falling off onto the floor. You laid there groaning in pain until Loki came in from the kitchen and started laughing at you rocking in pain.

'I'm sorry but you should know better than to try and jump scare me'

'I hate you'

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