Who he gets jealous of

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Dedicated to @pocadotmonster and @VQC-0118 thank you guys for voting!!

Tony -

Steve. He was jealous of Steve. You didn't know why because Steve was just a friend and you loved Tony but Tony would always try to steal you away whenever you went to talk to Steve.

Steve -

He was jealous of Loki. You could kinda understand why since Loki was a criminal and a trickster - but there was something that drew you to Loki's mischievous ways.

Clint -

Clint was jealous of your friendship with Bruce. You loved how you could spend hours in silence with Bruce, either working or reading. It was a nice change to the boisterous nature Clint possessed.

Bruce -

Bruce always got worried when you spent time with Thor. He knew you were only friends but Bruce still worried that you would leave him for a God.

Thor -

Thor hated you spending time with Tony because you always seemed so happy around him. However, you were more than happy to prove Thor otherwise.

Loki -

Loki was insanely jealous of Clint. He hated you hanging around with mortals when he was clearly so superior to everyone.

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