Chapter One

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“Hey” “Hey Jade!” “Hi!” “H-Hey” Voices fill my ears as I walk down the halls of my school. I flash smiles and say hi to everyone that passes by. The last voice catches me off guard... Was he nervous? I stop and turn to the voice that it came from. A boy that was in my grade was standing off to the side, looking embarrassed. I know him he’s in my Calculus 2 and Government, but he always hangs out with those punk kids… But why? He doesn’t even have that many tattoos… I wouldn’t exactly group him in the ‘punk’ group.  He is so nice and friendly… But maybe those ‘punk’ kids are super caring to…

“Hi!” I smile at him. His eyes widen and he looks behind me, slightly cowering, and then hurrying away.

Well that was odd, I think as I turn around. I jump back as I come face to face with Harry… ‘The head punk’. I mean, he might be okay… But he doesn’t seem to like me at all. Plus, how could the new kid already have this big of a name for himself. I haven’t even heard any real stories or rumors about him in fights or bullying other people. It’s only 3rd hour. Wow. This school…

“Hi Harry!” I smile. “How-”

“Don’t talk to me. Why do you even care?” He snaps. My eyes widen at his remark. What crawled up his arse?

“I care about anyone… Do you NOT want me to care?” I ask him, confused.

Harry’s eyes were cold as he looked at me menacingly. “No. I don’t. I don’t want you to care about me, if I’m never going to care about you.”

Wow, harsh. But, it’s not like he insulted me, so I’ll give him more chances. My face turns into a smile as I walk away. “See you later, Harry.”

I walk to my locker to find my friends standing around, staring at me.

“Were you seriously talking to… To… That… Punk?” Chelsea gapes at me. Wow, way to be judgmental. I mean, seriously, what’s wrong with talking to someone that ‘isn’t like me’?

I look at her bewildered. “Seriously Chels?” I pause. “Why won’t you give him a chance? He might be really nice.” I defend him.

“Oh trust me. Something like that doesn’t have a nice bone in its body. Don’t even try with him.” Chelsea continues.

“Okay, fine. I won’t talk to him at all. Better?” I glance around at everyone before bending down to get my books for 3rd and 4th hours. So far, I have no classes with Harry. I guess that might be okay… For my friends sake.

I slam my locker and walk away, somewhat pissed off.

Chelsea rolls her eyes and walks away as Arianna and Alexis hurry to catch up with me.

“What class do you guys have next again, guys?” I ask them as I walk off to my class.

“Gym.” Arianna answers. “See ya!” She hurries off to the gym.

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