Skype (Abby Sciuto X Reader)

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Your POV

I sat in the corner of my room, in fits of rage, I messed it up, the anger left soon after though, so now I'm in the corner, feeling depressed.

I had a fight with my dad, Gibbs, or Leroy Jethro Gibbs, or whatever, but he left to go back to NCIS headquarters, leaving me here alone, my life's a mess and I just want to die.

My eyes scan the room and then drift to my guitar (Go along with it even if you don't play) and a song came to mind, as well as an idea, so I picked up the guitar and played the oh so familiar tune.

"I'd never thought I'd die alone,
I'd laughed the loudest who'd have known?
I traced the cord back to the wall
No wonder it was never plugged in at all
I took my time, I hurried up
The choice was mine I didn't think enough
I'm too depressed to go on
You'll be sorry when I'm gone

I never concerned, rarely came
16 just held such better days
Days when I still felt alive"

Abby's POV

I watched the small computer screen where Y/n is singing, she didn't realise that we were still on Skype, she thought she hung up, but we didn't.

"Days when I still felt alive
We couldn't wait to get outside
The world was wide, too late to try
The tour was over we'd survived
I couldn't wait till I got home
To pass the time in my room alone"

I've never seen this side of her, she seems so... depressed, it's like she's dead, but yet pouring so much emotion into the song.

"I never thought I'd die alone
Another six months and I'll be unknown
Give all my things to all my friends
You'll never step foot in my room again
You'll close it off, board it up
Remember that time I spilled the cup
Of apple juice in the hall
Please tell dad it's not his fault"

I have a bad feeling about this, really bad.

"I never conquered, rarely came
16 just held such better days
Days when I still felt alive
We couldn't wait to go outside
The world was wide, too late to try
The tour was over we'd survived
I couldn't wait till I got home
To pass the time in my room alone... Goodbye, I'll see you in the nest life. I love you, Abby."

She finishes, my eyes go wide as she started raking through her drawers.

I shot up from the chair in my lab, ran out, and smashed the elevator button, but then realised it was taking too long so I climbed the stairs and ran.

Your POV

I finish talking and started looking for the rope I had in my drawer and the note I'd have written over so so many times, today was the day I was finally going to do it, I was finally going to go to a place where I could find peace and feel nothing, no more pain.

I shove the mattress fully off my bed and pull the bed up so I could tie the rope to it.

I make a noose out of the other end, grab a chair and slip the noose around my neck and I shove the note between my neck and the rope, and the I kick the chair from beneath me and my oxygen cuts off.

I raise my hands to my neck, was this really what I wanted? Of course it was. But really, it's not worth it.

I start struggling wanted to back out, but it's now too late.

Sounds of strangulation sound through the room, my vision started to blur and black spots appeared, but I stayed awake.

My door slammed open and a gasp is heard, but I can't see, and my hearing is disappearing.

The figure makes their way to me, and places my feet on the chair and removes the noose from my neck as oxygen floods my body and my weak body slumps into my saviour.

Sobs wracked my chest as the tears flow, my arms tossed around their neck and their arms securely around my waist.

I wipe my eyes and pull away, to be met with my of so favourite light green eyes.

"A-Abby..." My voice is horse, as she looks at me, her eyes puff and red, "I'm so so-"

My words were cut off by a pair of lips, crashing against mines, my eyes widen, but then flutter closed as I kiss back and enjoy the moment of fireworks and butterflies, my true dream.

She hugged me closer to her, neither of us wanting to leave the moment.

But of course it was ruined, by someone clearing their throat awkwardly. 

We instantly pulled away, both looking to the door, seeing the whole team here, mixed emotions in their eyes, worry, fear, confusion.

"Uh, hi..." I mutter, hiding in Abby's neck, face flushed of embarrassment of being caught.

"Could you explain?" My father asked, curiosity burning in his eyes, the same with everyone else.

I mutter a line of words only Abby could seem to hear, so she repeated them.

"Well, before you and Y/n's fight, we were on Skype, talking, but she didn't hang up when she thought she did, so after you left, she was pretty angry, and messed her room up in rage, then sang a song, it's called Adam's song, by Blink 182, it's about suicide, then after the song, I realised what was going on and came here as soon as I could... Then I kissed her."

I shirk down and hugged closer to Abby as they all take the information in.

Dad stepped over to me and took me from Abby's embrace, but soon enveloped me into one, I could feel my shoulder getting wet and I hug him closer as his body ever so slightly shook.

He placed me softly on the ground.

"Never do, or try to do anything like that again." He says, looking at me, eyes also red and puffy, like everyone in the room.

They then all took me into a hug and stayed the whole night with me, me and Abby feeling as close, and happy as ever, I truly love her.

HOIIIII, okay so I got bored and wrote this, it's pretty bad, and depressing, but yeah, oh well, I quite like it, by the way, if you didn't read it, the songs called Adam's song by Blink 182, that's what I based it off of because why not?


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