Tiva Rain

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Tony's POV

"Ziva! Ziva where have you gone?" The rain poured down, it poured down hard, and Ziva's missing.

The whole team has been out, but they all stopped looking when it started raining, they tried to convince me, but I'm not going to leave her.

"Ziva! Zeevah!" I continue yelling.

I hear the sound of struggling, and faint crying. Ziva.

I start running towards the source of it and see a horrid sight, in the harsh winds, a tree had blown over, crushing Ziva.

How did she get so far? She's miles away, we're miles away.

"Ziva!" I yell, running to her.

"T-Tony....Help..." Her breathing was rugged as the tree was on her stomach, making it hard for her to breathe.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be fine, I'll call the fire brigade."

911, what's your emergency?

Hello? My friend is trapped under a tree, please help!

Okay we'll send out some men to help, they should be where you are soon.

Thank you!

I give the woman the basis of where we are and about five minutes later, they're here and I've been helping Ziva breathe by holding the huge tree up a bit for as long as I can. Anything for her.

"Ziva... Don't worry, you're getting help now, just keep breathing..." She was struggling, a lot.

"Hurry!" I yell at the firemen, and soon, they have the tree off Ziva and we're riding in an ambulance.

I hear all the doctors talking, and Ziva's fallen out of consciousness and sleeping peacefully, no pain.

"T-Tony..." She says, her eyes opening slightly, her hand raising to my cheek, pulling me down to her level.

"Yes?" I ask, looking at her with worry shining in my eyes.

"It...Hurts...bad..." After that, she's back unconscious.

I slip my hand into hers, reminding me of that time we were in a car crash, when I tried to reach her hand.

---Time skip---Hosipital

I sit out in the waiting room, waiting till Ziva is out of surgery, I'm terrified for her.

The whole team come bursting through the doors of the hospital, including Vance, and we all sort of take over the hospital.

Time skip- 1 hour

"Anthony DiNozzo? She's awake and wants to see you." The doctor says, I rise from my seat and walk over along the corridors to where she is, "I'll give you guys some alone time."

"Hey, Ziva?" Her attention is on me.

"Yes, Tony?" Her voice was raspy.

"I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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