Family Ties

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Gilbert Residence
I hum as I come down the stairs wearing my running clothes. I see Elena at the table and Jenna watching the news. As Logan Fell went on about an animal terrorizing Mystic Falls, Jenna glared daggers at him.
"Scum ball. Scum bucket," she says to the TV.
I give her a questioning look. "Who are you talking to?"
I look at Logan Fell and ask, "the news guy?"
"Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell," she responds. "Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?"
Elena and I look at each other and he share a smile.
"Oh, no way. You and him?" Elena asks with surprise then adds, "he's cute."
"He is not cute," Jenna seethed. "There's nothing cute about him." She sees the box Elena has. "What are you doing with that?"
"I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box," she replies.
"Oh, that's right," I say. "Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display."
Elena nods her head.
"Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Jenna asks.
"Originally it was great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring." Elena smiles.
Jeremy comes into the kitchen and walks to Jenna, Elena, and I.
"How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?" He asks.
"You're not gonna find out," Elena responds dryly.
Jeremy rolls his eyes. "That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away."
"I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy," Elena sighs.
I walk over to the fridge and pulled out a water bottle. The doorbell rings and Elena gets up.
I got to the door before she did and pulled the door open a saw Stefan standing there.
"Hey, Adrie," he says with a smile and looks at Elena. "Hello, Elena."
I give them a smile and move past Stefan.
"Be back for the Founder's Party," Elena calls.
"I will," I call over my shoulder as I take off in a jog.
I didn't stop my run until I got to the town square. I place my hands on my knees to steady my breaths. I look at my watch and I see it's 10:15.
To be honest, I really was surprised at myself for running that long. I guess I just got up in it along with my overactive thinking. I mean, if some hot guy kissed you but he told you not to tell anyone, how would you feel?
As I turn to go, I run into a really strong chest. I almost fall to the ground but the person grabbed my arm and held on. I look into ice blue eyes and I become instantly lost in them.
"You are always running into me," Damon jokes.
I felt my heart jump and then melt away when my eyes saw that bad boy grin.
"Well, that would be your fault, wouldn't?" I retort as I cross my arms.
"Ooh, feisty."
"Stop it." I mumble as I shove past him.
Once again he grabs my arm and pulled me back.
"Where you going?"
"Home," I respond as I pull my arm away. "I have to get ready for the Founder's Party."
From the way I said it, he could tell I really didn't want to go. But I was only going for Elena.
"They still do that?" He asks with surprise.
I quirk an eyebrow. "Have you been before?"
"No, the Salvatores don't get invited anymore," he says quickly.
I nod my head. "Well, like I said... I have to get ready for it. At my house. Are you bring on a date?"
"As in Caroline Forbes?" I ask flabbergasted.
I couldn't help but feel a little jealous if the fact that Damon asked her instead of me. Then I realized that Damon was watching the distain on my face and I turned to go.
I mean, we kissed! Why would he not ask me to go with him. I thought he... liked me. Yet again, Damon grabs my arm but this time, he gently pulled me back.
"It's nothing personal, Adrie," he says softly. "I have to do something and I would rather use Blondie instead of you."
"You're using Caroline?" I blurt.
"Well... yeah."
I smile. "Good. She'll finally will know what it's like. Gotta go. Good luck."
I stood in my room looking into the mirror as I got ready. I wore a dark purple thigh silk dress with no straps and had matching purple pumps.
The house phone I had on my bed start to ring and I turn and crossed my bedroom floor to it.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Elena or Adrie?" Mrs. Lockwood asks.
"Hi, Mrs. Lockwood. It's Adrie," I answer.
"Was it you or Elena that got your mom's box for the heritage display?"
"Elena did."
"Can I speak to Elena please?" She asks.
I hurry to Elena's room and found her and Bonnie in the bathroom getting ready as well. Bonnie smiles at me and I smile back at her.
"Mrs. Lockwood wants to speak to you," I say to Elena as I hold the phone out to her.
"Hi, Mrs. Lockwood," Elena says. "What do you mean? It is? Are you sure? 'Cause I saw it."
Just then, she looks up with an angry expression towards Jeremy's door.
"Let me check. Mm-hmm. I will find it and bring it. Ok. Bye," she says and hangs up.
"What's wrong?" Bonnie asks.
Elena goes into Jeremy's room without knocking. Bonnie and I look at each other and shrugs. I go back to my room to finish getting ready.
After I put on a soft red-purple lipstick, I curl my hair. My phone goes off and I grab it.
Unknown: Can't wait to see you at the party. ;)
Me: Let me guess... Damon Salvatore?
Unknown: You know it, pretty one. Sorry I won't be able to dance with you tonight. :(
Me: It's okay, I guess. Just tell me the truth. What are you really, Damon?
Unknown: I would rather tell you in person... Or show you really.
Me: Okay. After the party.
"Adrianna, let's go!" Elena calls.
"Okay!" I grab my small purse and walk down the stairs.
I look at the heritage items people have placed in. I stop and I look around, my eyes stopping on Stefan and Elena. I feel something bubble in my chest when I see Stefan kiss Elena on the cheek and I down my drink.
I don't mean to be jealous. Stefan is my best friend and I am really happy for him but I would love for someone to look at me like the way he looks at Elena.
Well, there is Damon. We did kiss but I can't let no one know about that (my choice) and Damon doesn't want people to know that we had met. So it's safe to say that I have a complicated relationship and I don't know what's worse. Not being in a relationship or being in a complicated one.
"Looks like someone's jealous," someone whispers in my ear.
I jump to see Damon standing behind me in a tux and with an offer of Champagne. I take it and down it with out hesitation.
"I wish I have what my sister has," I reply, handing him the empty glass .
"Honest about what someone calls out," Damon notes, "I like it." He hands me another one but this time I sip it.
"What about us? I mean, we kissed but you're also 'dating' Caroline. What doses that mean?"
"That means I really like you but I have a plan and you're now part of it."
"Oh," I mock. "So you're using me and we're now complicated."
He laughs. "Yeah. Complicated."
I walk over to Elena and Stefan with Damon following behind. Elena start to read of the first registry.
"'The founding families in Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural founder's council celebration.'"Wow, look, it's the original guest registry," she says with a smile. "Look at all these familiar names-Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood."
As I read the names, I see two names that are more that familiar to me and her.
"Is that Damon Salvatore? And, Stefan Salvatore?" I ask.
"The original Salvatore brothers," Damon says quickly. "Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually."
"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past." Stefan jumps in.
"It's not boring, Stefan," Elena smiles. "I'd love to hear more about your family."
Caroline comes into the room and grabs Damon's arm, pushing me out of the way.
"Well, I'm bored. I want to dance. And Damon won't dance with me," she complains.
That's because he would rather dance with me, I thought as I roll my eyes.
"Mm-hmm," Damon smiles.
Caroline looks at Elena and Stefan. "Could I just borrow your date?"
"Oh, uh..." Elena began but Stefan interjects.
"I don't really dance."
"Oh, sure he does," Damon says in a matter of fact voice. "You should see him. Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. He does it all."
"You wouldn't mind, would you, Elena?" Caroline asks.
"It's up to Stefan," she replies with a sigh.
"Well sorry, but I'm not going to take no for an answer," Caroline says and takes Stefan hand and took him out to dance.
"Well, I'm gonna call it a night," I say as turn to leave and down the rest of the champagne. It tasted at bit odd but I ignore it.
"What?" Elena asks as she takes my hand. "Why? Is something the matter?"
"No, I just... need to go."
"Adrie, are you okay?" Elena asks worriedly.
I roll my eyes and leave, not feeling to good.
I barley made it up the stairs and to my room. I felt like I was going to vomit. I only had to half glasses of champagne. I couldn't have been that drunk.
But I could no longer keep it down. It came up but it wasn't vomit like I was suspecting, but blood.
I cough and more blood comes up and I fall to my bedroom floor, everything going black.

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