Founders Day

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I groan as Elena kicked my butt to get me up out of bed.
"No, go away," I whine.
"Come on, Jenna is waiting for us so she can help me get ready," Elena replies.
I groan and turned on my back so I can look up at the ceiling. Finally after fifteen minuets I rolled out of bed and made my way into Elena's room where Jenna was helping her get ready. Elena tosses me a dress and I caught it reflexively.
"What do I need this for?" I ask.
"I suffer, you suffer," Elena declares. She takes in a sharp breath when Jenna tightens up her corset.
I roll my eyes as I looked at the dress and the bone corset. Oh, my God. They're trying to kill me.
"Come on," Jenna says as she looks at me.
I quickly get undressed and Jenna helped put the corset on me and then the white underskirt.
"Why do I have to dress up? I'm not in the parade," I grumbled.
I take a sharp breath when Jenna pulled the corset stings.
"It's something fun," she says and pulls again.
I grip on to whatever I can as I curse Elena for making me do this. Finally after an hour of complaining and getting ready, I am in front of the mirror standing next to my sister. I tried my best to get situated in the scratchy 1860's dress and made a face.
     "Ouch, this dress hurts," Elena mumbles.
     "No kidding," I agree. "Women obviously weren't allowed to breathe back then."
     Jenna smiles at us and tightens my dress a little more
"Suck it in, baby."
Mystic Falls High School
Damon's P.O.V
I see Stefan as I walk onto the school grounds. There's a memory of us that flashes through my mind when I see him in one of his clothes from 1864. It was one of the last formal clothes he wore before we became vampires.
"Look at you, all retro," I comment.
"What are you doing here?"
"Why wouldn't I be here? Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention, Isobel is gone and it's Founders' Day! I'm here to eat cotton candy, be with my girl and steal yours," I say.
"Don't start with me, Damon," Stefan warns him.
"Oh, you started this Stefan with that whole "I'm insecure, leave Elena alone" speech. I'm enjoying that," Damon replies.
"As long as you heard it."
"What? You have no sense of humor, Stefan."
"Actually I've no sense of 'Damon humor'," Stefan corrects.
"'Damon humor'...Hey look, I get it, I get it. I'm the better, hotter, superior choice and you're scared, now that Katherine and Elisabeth is out of the picture, that I'm gonna turn all my attention to Elena and Adrian," Damon says. "But don't worry, Adrian and Elena is not Katherine and Elisabeth. But I'm with Adrian."
"You're right, they're not."
I turn and paused, double looking when I see Elena and Adrian approaching in their period dresses.

"      I turn and paused, double looking when I see Elena and Adrian approaching in their period dresses

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