Sister, Sister.

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Eva Watson(22 y.o)

As I stared over at Andrew and Evelyn, I couldn't help to feel a tad bit envious. I loved my sister dearly, but I always wondered how my life would've turned out if I was more like her. Not only having beauty but brains as well. Being intellectual, attractive and already finding luck in her love life.

I decided to stop reflecting and enjoy the remainder of my night.

Thursday 11 A.M (Next Morning)

I woke up and sat up in the bed with an intense headache and an upset stomach. I then realize that I am downstairs in the guest room.
I dash over to the bathroom and threw up all over the toilet, realized afterward that my aiming was off terribly. I then sat down on the floor in frustration with a loud "THUMP!" (Although I am quite skinny, my surroundings somehow manage to vibrate.)
Evelyn then barged into the bathroom where I was. She must've thought that I fell and got hurt because she exhaled when she saw me.

"Ever heard of knocking before entering?" I joked.

"Funny. You should be thankful for a sister like me." Evelyn explained, "You were so drunk last night. Andrew had to assist me with you and had to tend to his best friend - Michael who somehow found himself in the same predicament, but much worse. He offered to follow us all the way home so that I wouldn't have to deal with getting you to bed alone. If you didn't notice, I also changed your clothes."

I was pretty surprised in myself. I never really got as drunk as Evelyn described - Except for that one time on vacation in The Bahamas, but that's a whole other story.

"Oh wow, I didn't know I put you two through so much trouble last night." I stated obliviously.

"Of course you wouldn't. You were completely out of it. Staggering, throwing up every second, laughing hysterically, cursing at random people...."

"Okay, okay Evelyn," I giggle. "I Understand. Thanks a bunch." I threw a kiss at her. "After I get all washed up, I'll call my chef as a reward. You can even invite Andrew and his bestfriend... Whatever's his name."

"Oooooh, I sense a spark." Evelyn replied annoyingly. She knows that I absolutely hate it when she tries to force feelings on me. I stare at her menacingly.

"Don't even start with that bull shit. Plus I don't even know the guy."

She snickers. I then go to the utility closet in the hallway for the cleaning supplies. Although I can afford a maid, I prefer to clean up after myself. It's just how my mother taught me. I then began to wipe up the mess I made, hoping that that was my last throw up session.


Bing! Bing! Bing!
Evelyn ran to the peep hole on the door. Glancing through, she saw a familiar face which was that of Eva's chef. Evelyn had seen her on a few occasions. She removed the gold plated night latch and turned the locks on the door. She then opened the door to allow the middle-age lady in.

"Good Evening." The chef said to Evelyn.
"Good Evening. My name is Evelyn, Eva's sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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