Chapter 4

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Half an hour later, about twenty minutes into some boring, slow movie, you felt your eyes getting heavy. You yawned sleepily and rested your head on Hoseok's shoulder, letting your eyes drift closed. You thought you felt Hoseok stir, but you were too tired to care. "Hey." Hoseok whispered, nudging you with his shoulder. "The movie's about to get good." You grunted and let your head fall into his lap, stretching your legs out on the couch. You opened one eye and looked up at him. Hoseok laughed before relaxing his arms, one on the arm of the sofa, one casually slung over your stomach. Content, you closed your eyes again, snuggling into Hoseok's warmth. You felt him chuckle before lifting his arm and gently running his fingers over your hair tentatively. When you didn't object, he kept going, curiously tracing his fingers over your face. His touch was so gentle and soothing, you couldn't make him stop. His fingertips glided down your jaw, over your lips. In your half-unconscious state, you thought his fingers lingered on your bottom lip, but you couldn't be entirely sure. "You're beautiful, Y/N." Hoseok whispered, running his fingers over the bridge of your nose. You could feel the tendrils of sleep pulling you down. You thought he said something else, but you couldn't make it out before you sunk into the peaceful darkness.


Later that day, you woke up on the couch alone. Sleepily, you called out into the dark house. "Hoseok?" There was no response, only silent stillness. Slightly annoyed, you pulled yourself off of the couch and went to look for him. As you walked through the house, you realized it was raining, the raindrops softly beating against the windows. "Hoseok...?" You called as you entered the kitchen. The room was empty, but you saw a single page propped against the fridge on the counter. You picked it up and read.


I had to go. Jungkook should be home soon, though. Thanks for a great day.


It was short, and you felt like he had missed something. You noticed that he had written the time he had left next to his signature. Only a few minutes ago, you thought curiously. That must have been what had woken you up. Excitedly, you ran out the door, hoping you could catch him. "Hoseok!" You shouted, your bare feet instantly soaked with the rain. You stood shivering on the sidewalk, admitting that you had missed him. "Y/N?" Hoseok called. You saw him standing next to his car, his hair wet and dripping in his eyes. You thought it was oddly attractive. Slowly, he started walking toward you. "Why'd you leave?" You asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Shyly, you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Now Hoseok was right in front of you. So close you could feel his hot breath on your face. "I..." You forgot what you were going to say, bringing your eyes up to meet Hoseok's. "What's wrong? You nervous?" He smirked at you. Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and you saw everything he was trying to hide from you. The anger, sadness, desire. Love. He knew you could see it, too. Without another second passing, Hoseok smashed his lips into yours. You kissed him back, passion burning in the air around you like electricity. You thought you heard something crunch on the road as you lightly nipped at Hoseok's bottom lip playfully. "What the hell?!" The voice broke you from the trance Hoseok had put you under. You felt yourself rip away from Hoseok, guilt burning in your stomach. The voice rang in your mind, the only voice you truly cared about. Namjoon was holding Jungkook back as he tried to lunge at Hoseok. After a few minutes, Jungkook turned to you, knowing he couldn't hurt Hoseok. He came close to you, as close as Hoseok had been only a few moments before. "Why?" He whispered. You could hear in his voice how much he had to fight to hold back his tears. You couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes. "I don't know." You said quietly, your voice thick with shame. But, you had lied to Jungkook yet again. You did know why. You were in love with Hoseok.


Namjoon made Hoseok go with him, and you knew he was in trouble. You couldn't worry about him, though. Jungkook was the only thing you could focus on. He was slamming things around in the kitchen, putting away the food he had brought home. The food you two wouldn't be eating. "And you know what?" Jungkook's voice grew louder as he walked into the living room, where you were sitting on the couch, hoping he would cool down. "I even got that damn movie you had been wanting to watch." You just sat there and watched as he hurled the new DVD case against the wall. You knew you couldn't do anything but wait. Suddenly, Jungkook was on his knees in front of you, gripping your hands in his. "Tell me you don't have feelings for him. That's all I want to hear. Please. I can forgive you for this. Just... Just tell me you don't love him." Jungkook's voice was breaking, just like your heart. You could see the pain in his eyes, the hope there too. "I..." You couldn't say it. You wanted to. You wanted to tell him that there was nothing between you and Hoseok, that you didn't care about him. For some reason, you couldn't form the words. You had lied to Jungkook plenty of times before, so why couldn't you now? But the words just wouldn't come. Jungkook knew. He must have seen it in your eyes. He dropped your hands and whirled around, tangling his fists in his hair. He stormed over to the bookshelf where you had countless picture frames with photographs of you and Jungkook in them. The two of you after one of their concerts, smiling giddily at the camera. Another one taken at a bowling alley, where Jungkook was tying your shoes carefully, treating you like a princess. The last one, your favorite, was one taken in the states, in your hometown. You two were just sitting on your porch, laughing. The picture was slanted, since your mother had been laughing as well when she'd taken it. Jungkook had one arm slung around your shoulders, holding you to him. You remembered now how much he had said he loved your family, the small town. How simple, how perfect, it had seemed to him. Now, of course, Jungkook went for that one, picking it up and sending it flying across the room, where it hit the wall and the glass shattered. You started crying then. You weren't sure why it had taken so long for you to lose it, but it was now, when you saw that happy memory treated like nothing. "Get out." Jungkook said quietly. You swiped your hand over your nose. "Kookie..." You tried. "Get out!" He said again more forcefully. You had no choice. You deserve this, you told yourself. You picked yourself up off of the couch and dragged yourself to the front door. With your hand on the doorknob, you stopped. "I still love you." You said, your voice barely a whisper. Jungkook didn't say anything, but you knew he had heard you by the way the muscles in his back tensed slightly. With that, you opened the door and walked out and into the night. You didn't know where to go, didn't have anywhere to go. So, you did the only thing you could think of. You called Hoseok.

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