Chapter 2

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You woke up in a quiet meadow, the sun softly glowing in a cloudless, blue sky. You slowly stood up, looking around you. You began to panic, wondering where you were, and how you'd gotten there. suddenly, you heard your name being called behind you. You whirled around, your heart picking up speed when your eyes connected with Jungkook's. He gave you a small smile, then slowly started moving towards you. When he was only a few steps away, you heard a rustle behind you. You turned, but there was nothing there. Confused, you looked back to where Jungkook had been. But, in his place, was now Hoseok. You smiled before you could stop yourself. Hoseok started backing away, towards a copse of trees behind him. Dazed, you tried to follow him. He was too quickly retreating. He disappeared behind a large tree. When you finally reached the tree and looked behind it, where Hoseok had been, you saw a lone, pure white butterfly perched on a leaf, beating its wings, as if it were about to fly away. As the butterfly took flight, the dream world disappeared.


You awoke to a huge crash. You immediately noticed Jungkook's absence. Afraid and disoriented, you called out his name. "What? I didn't mean-" As he rounded the corner, Jungkook went into protective mode, seeing the scared look on your face. "Baby, what's wrong?" He said, sitting down and pulling you into his lap. You noticed then that you were quivering violently. You tried to explain, to say you were fine, but, before you could say anything, tears started streaming down your face out of nowhere. "Did you have a bad dream?" Jungkook whispered, looking into your eyes. You just nodded. The only word you could get out was "You" before hiccuping out little sobs. "Oh," Jungkook said, gently pulling your face into his shoulder. "It's okay, baby. I'm here now. I didn't leave. And I'm not going to." He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm you down. You pulled back so you could meet his eyes, taking a deep breath to steady your voice. "You promise?" You asked. Jungkook smiled, then placed a soft, gentle kiss on the tip of your nose. "Of course." He said, then "Besides, you couldn't get rid of me if you tried." This brought a laugh to your lips. You brought your hand up to cup the side of his face, and he leaned into it instinctively, closing his eyes. "Good thing I'm not trying." You said, stroking your thumb along his cheekbone, the way you knew he liked it. Jungkook let out a little sigh, and you smiled again to yourself. You loved how he craved your touch, loved how he loved you. Jungkook opened his eyes again and reached up to wipe away a stray tear on your face with his thumb. He brought your faces together and rested his forehead against yours. "You're much too beautiful to cry." Jungkook whispered, his hot breath against your face. You just closed your eyes, relishing the closeness. After a few moments, you smelled something burning. "Were you cooking?" You asked, getting to your feet. Jungkook looked up at you sheepishly. "I was trying to. But you interrupted me. This is not my fault." He answered. You laughed and pulled him to his feet, dragging him with you into the smoky kitchen. Coughing, you switched off the oven. "Wanna get takeout?" Jungkook suggested. You grinned at him. "I'm not even hungry." You said. Jungkook's face fell. You pulled him to you and put your mouth next to his ear. "At least, not for food." You whispered. When you pulled back to look at him, he had a mischievous little smirk on his face. "Oh? And what exactly are you hungry for, Princess?" He asked in a low voice. You just smiled, leading him out of the kitchen and down the hall to your shared bedroom.


The next morning, you woke up happy and well-rested for the first time. No dreams last night, you noted. Groggily, you stretched your hand out, feeling for Jungkook. Your fingertips were met with nothing but empty space. Annoyedly, you sat up, yawning and stretching. You slowly pulled yourself out of bed and pulled on a t-shirt. You decided not to bother with pants, considering it was so hot in the house already and pants were overrated. Halfway down the hall, you were met with the sweet-smelling aroma of waffles (lol I'm so American I can't help it) wafting to you from the kitchen. Following your nose, you rounded the corner and saw Jungkook at the stove, his bare back facing you. You snuck up behind him and wrapped your arms around him, startling him slightly. "Ah, just how I like my men- shirtless and cooking." You said. Jungkook snorted and turned into your embrace. You glanced behind him at the plate of waffles, piled high. "All this? Just for us? I guess I'll put out plates." You said, walking toward the dining room. "Actually-" Jungkook said. "What?" You called, walking into the dining room. He didn't have to answer. Six curious faces looked up at you. You let out a little squeak as you realized all of the boys were here for breakfast. "H-hey." You said, trying to calm your fluttering heart. "Ahem." Jungkook said, brushing past you. "What?" You said, wondering why he was acting so rude all of a sudden. He turned back to you and gestured at you. "Pants?" He asked, a laugh in his voice. The rest of the boys were averting their eyes, or trying at least. All except Hoseok. He was very blatantly and obviously looking at you. You felt your face grow hot and you instantly hopped back around into the kitchen, out of sight. With your heart beating so frantically, you could barely hear anything as you speed-walked back to your room. You thought you heard a voice asked to be excused, but you were hardly focusing on that. When you entered your room, you quickly shut your door and walked into the connected bathroom, splashing cool water on your face. You took a few deep breaths before walking back out into the bedroom. You had only taken a few steps back onto the carpet before you were pushed into the wall. Surprisingly enough, you didn't scream. Your eyes met with Hoseok's slightly pained ones. "I'm sorry," He whispered. "But I have to do this." Before you could even react, Hoseok's lips were on yours. You couldn't stop yourself. You felt your lips moving along with his. After only a few seconds but what felt like a perfect eternity, Hoseok pulled away, left the room. You stayed pressed against the wall, your heart pounding. Then it all came rushing back. Jungkook's sweet face floated in your mind, quickly replaced with the feeling of Hoseok's lips on yours. "Oh... Shit." You whispered. You shook your head and took a deep breath. "This isn't happening. Y/N calm down. You love Jungkook." You told yourself, pulling on a pair of jeans and running a hand through your hair. When you had decided you looked presentable, you ventured back out into the hall. When you entered the dining room, all of the boys were sitting around, eating and laughing. Except Hoseok. You glanced around the room, looking for him. "Where's Hoseok?" You asked, trying to make your voice sound purely curious instead of worried. Namjoon was the one to speak up and answer. "He said he had some stuff to get done at the studio or something." You nodded, pretending to be satisfied with that answer. You went to stand behind Jungkook where he was sitting. "Hey, I think I'm gonna go to the store and get some more food." You looked up and addressed the rest of the boys. "Seeing how all of you keep eating everything I buy as soon as I bring it home." "Hey, it's our money that's paying for it." Taehyung sasses back. You stuck your tongue out at him as Yoongi elbowed him in the side. "Aw can't you stay for breakfast?" Jungkook said, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into his lap. You felt your face flush, aware of the five pair of eyes on you. "Stop." You laughed nervously and quickly pulled yourself back onto your feet. Jungkook smirked at your embarrassment, and you hit him on the shoulder. "Fine, but be back soon. I'm gonna get rid of them soon. And then we can finish what we started last night." Jungkook winked at you. "Jeon Jungkook!" You screamed, your face burning." The boys snickered as Jungkook looked up at you innocently. "What?" He asked, his voice sweet, though you could still see that mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. You frowned at him, trying to show your disapproval, before stomping away. You heard a few laughs and, impossibly, your face grew hotter. Once outside, the crisp morning air helped to cool down your fiery cheeks. You started down the walk, towards your car. You were halfway to your car when you noticed a black car off to your right. A familiar black car. You almost immediately recognized Hoseok in the front seat, his head in his hands. Keep walking. Just go to the store, the smart side of your mind was telling you. Instead of listening, you found yourself walking over to the car and tentatively knocking on the window. Hoseok jumped slightly, but he rolled down the window. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice almost wary. You bit your lip, looking away. "I'm just... going to the store." Your explanation sounded so weak and flimsy, even though that's exactly what you had planned on doing. Hoseok nodded, studying your face. For some reason, his gaze made you nervous, and you found yourself fidgeting, playing with the hem of your shirt. After a few moments of awkward silence, Hoseok spoke up. "Well, I guess I'll let you get to it." You nodded, pursing your lips. "Unless... You want a ride?" Hoseok asked, turning the key in the ignition. The car purred to life, idling, waiting for your response. You knew you should kindly decline, get in your car, and drive away. Leave your feelings-or whatever they were- for Hoseok behind entirely. But, instead, you found yourself wordlessly walking around to the other side of the car, pulling open the door, and climbing into the seat beside him. "Where to?" Hoseok said, putting the car into drive and backing out onto the road. You shrugged. "I don't know." You whispered, fixing your gaze on the dashboard. Deep down, you meant more than just the store. You were finding that you didn't know, weren't sure, of anything, not anymore.

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