Brandon Imagine

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You were new at school, you were lost to the point that you didn't know where the office was. A boy your age looks at you and walks to you.

"You need help?" He looks up at me with his Blue eye looking into my hazel eyes "Um yeah sure " you say a bit nervous " What class do you have next ?" He asked me " English with Miss. Villa" He looks at me and smiles "Me too I'll walk you" He says

We start walking to Miss. Villa's class "Um I never got your name" He says scratching the back of his neck. I look at him and say " Y/n what's your name " I smile a bit . He looks at me and says "Brandon Rowland" We enter English class it was boring well English is boring for me.

* A month Later*

"Hey Y/n wait up!" You hear Brandon yell making you laugh "Yes Brandon?" I ask trying not to laugh since he has Ketchup on the side of his check " I...... Um... Was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Brandon asks me with so much hope in his eyes and his famous smile. I look at him and smile widely "I would love to" I say kissing his check.

* 3 weeks Later *

You were on a date with Brandon he looks at you and kisses your forehead and then your nose then your lips. He looks into your eyes and asks you " Will you be my girlfriend?" You smile so much and kiss his lips "So is that a yes?" He laughed and you nod your head.

Hope you enjoyed. 💙

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