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Baby girl,
I miss you, your smile, your laugh, you kindness, how you were yourself around me, how we would look at each other when we didn't know what to say. When we started to date and we didn't know what to talk about at all, it was always so fun. Baby I miss you, why did you have to leave?! I can't sleep or eat without thinking of you.
How is it up there? Is there a lot of music? Like how you liked it? Is there a lot of little kids you can help? You always had a soft spot of them. You left so young at 16 because I was stupid and you couldn't handle the hate. I wish I didn't tell my supporters (No hate, I need to add something more) you were mine.
Ashton asked about you this morning he was wondering why you haven't been over in 4 months, I told him you went on a trip that will last forever, because you guys were so close I didn't want to tell him even tho he is 11 he's still my little bean. Brandon, was talking about you the other day, You were like his little sister but you were older you guys acted like siblings and we all miss you.
I remember our last date, it was April 21 the sun just started to go down making the sky look like Cotton candy, you looked so beautiful looking at the sky getting lost with the look of hurt in your eyes yet you were still beautiful my baby. You had on a beautiful black dress that was just above your knees with white converse and your favorite jacket. When we got to where we were having that date, the beach you look at me and said
"Thank you so much Hunter, really you made my year with you and your family baby, I love you so much." You said kissing my cheek and putting your head on my shoulder making my stomach feel, like it was exploding a hundred million times, like firecrackers on the 4th of July. We ate our dinner and we began to walk on the beach and you being you ran to the water and dipped you feet in the cold water, looking at me you run and grabbed my hand. My cold hands on your warm ones made me smile at how things like this mean the most to me even with you not here.
Baby, I love you so much. You mean the world to me, I will see you again my beautiful angle, you saved me once from everything I will make sure to remember you everyday of my life beauty of my love , Goodbye for now my world write again later - your's truly Hunter (Big Rowland).

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