Hunter & Madison

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This is for Madison @fighton234

One day, the big day in any relationship, the one year mark. This day you guys were in different states, you in California and Hunter was in Florida.
So far away, yet you guys made it work as you wake up you see a teddy bear and a note that says
Beautiful I am here in California for the week but you have to find me, enjoy the scavenger hunt go to your brothers room next.- Hunter

Getting up happily you brush your teeth, get in a quick outfit of black ripped jeans, a blue crop top and some black converse. Running to your brother's room you see another note

Baby girl, walk down to the pier and you will see something. -Hunter

Walking down to the pier you quickly see Hunter, running to him you jump into his arms and he hugs you tightly. You guys share a kiss, a passionate kiss that you will remember everyday you are not together.
"Happy one year babe, we made it." He whispered as he kissed your forehead
"We made it." Is all you can say as you look into his beautiful green eyes that look into your eyes.
You guys began to walk on the beach and after that walking to you your house, you guys talk about so many random things but you say "I love you Hunter, thank you so much for coming on our one Year." He begins to chuckle and says "Of course baby anything for you I love you so much." He says kissing your cheek.

By the end of the night you guys cuddled and watched the Flash and Riverdale the whole night. You guys were forever perfect for each other and felt it all the time when you guys began to see each other when you could at times.

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