There's this one kind of people, who annoy you, but you can put up with them anyway.
Then there's this another kind of people, whom you can snub and quieten with a gaze.
Then there's Luke Cattivo, and yeah, i guess that explains everything. My anger, my frustration, why I've been regretting coming here lately more than ever. No? Well, then, see for yourself.
"Oye, Paki, what's two added to four?"
I sigh. "Its six, Luke, six". "And you are supposed to be teaching me."
He yawns and stretches, laying back on my bed. "That's a boring room you have." He gives my room another glance. He is right, my room is a little too simple. There are no pictures, or posters or anything except for the polished furniture and the simple, single bed.
But my room was never like this back in Pakistan. It was filled, stuffed with pictures and posters and memories. But that was home. this here, feels nothing like it. That was rough and worn and small. This is large and roomy and polished. But the feeling of home, this one can never have.
He stares at me as though reading my mind. But I won't let him get to my emotional side. I toughen up my insides and wear this smug expression while saying, "I'm sorry my room does not interest you with porn posters, which I'm sure are smeared all over the walls of yours."
He chuckles lightly. "Well, well, paki, that was some comeback. But aren't you a little narrow minded? You think if you're a Muslim, everyone else in a foreign country is a slut?"
I blush scarlet as he makes me realize how very right he is, but mutter nevertheless, "I never said that. Its just a common practice here, that's all."
"Hmm. You know you've sinned." I glance up at him, confused. "Calling me common, you know." He smirks, eradicating all the tension and embarrassment in the room. I roll my eyes, and he chuckles again. Such an ass.
"Okay, do I really have to help you out? I mean, its all so boring."
I silently agree. "Yeah, you're right there. Its okay, really, I'll cover the syllabus by myself, no problem." I really am being honest. Its not that hard, once you set off to do it. And this guy is doing nothing but distracting me. I mean, its only the first day, and this is supposed to go on for three weeks. I should very well be done with it without him disturbing me. I have made up my mind and am about to ask him politely to leave, but he speaks first.
"But, paki, we're given this detention, you know. And I don't know 'bout you but I can't lie to the principle."
"Something makes 'suspect that's a great lie." I voice my thoughts and he gives me a look. "But you're not helping me, anyways. You're just asking me two plus two."
"I don't have that yet."
"What, the brain to understand and teach?"
"No." He swings off my bed and stands up. "The motivation to help you."
I'm still figuring out what that means when he swings his backpack on his shoulder and makes to leave. In the doorway, he turns and says, "But I'm not giving up on you. We'll see what we can do."
What the hell?
Its been three hours since he left but I can't stop thinking about what he said, and that frustrates me. I finish my math homework and decide not to wait on that idiot. So I go back to the first chapter and begin to read, trying to understand 'functions'.
I'm bored so I turn on some music, and start to sway as Ed Sheren sings 'Don't'. I suddenly get out of control and stand up, pretending that my hair brush is my mic, and start to sing loudly.
"Ah, lalala laaaa la la, don't fuck with my love.
That heart is so cold
all over my arm..."
I am so endorsed in this, I hardly notice the harsh knocks on the door. Since I'm wearing my jean and just my sports bra, in my hurry, I cover myself with the bed sheet, turn off the music and rush to the door. I hope its the woman next door, who moved in three days ago and is the one person who is good to me. She even brings me food, sometimes. Such an angel.
I open the door, but my smile vanishes as its not the one I expected. Standing in the doorway, leaning against the wall i none other than Luke. What the actual fudge? But something's off. His hair's not as set and straight as usual, but it is messy and he looks like he'll fall over any minute. I silently give him way when he tries to move in, and follow him inside. I keep the door open, though. Insecurities are still embedded inside me.
"What's the matter with you?" I ask as he sits on the floor, leaning against the bed, trying to force his eyes open.
And then it hits me. I can't believe I was stupid enough not to notice, but he's drunk. As hell. He groans lightly and I stand there, wondering what to do. I suddenly become aware of the lack of clothing under the bed sheet wrapped around me, so I rush to the washroom, blushing scarlet, and put on a baggy blue T-shirt, which is all I can find, since my clothes are all outside, and I can't possibly let him know about me wandering in a sports bra, even if I was all by myself.
I step out, and Luke is fast asleep, his head on my bed, his body lying limp on the cold, marble floor. I step forward and notice that his nose is bleeding. Before anything else, I smirk and capture an image of him in my phone. My one asset as a comeback to him. What's the matter, Luke? No more arrogance to show?
I measure the situation, and the solution strikes my mind faster than lightning. I turn on my phone and search for the number. Time for action.
Keep reading, people! The revelations are all gonna come up in the next chapter!
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Love from,
The koolbroz
P.S. Sorry for the late update
P.P.S Get used to it lol. :P