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"ASH, I WANT YOU TO MEET MY BROTHERS." Luke said over the phone. "They're back in town for a week."

Ashton almost laughed. Little did Luke know, he'd already met one when he was getting assassinated. What a hell of a way to meet the in-laws.

"Yeah? When?"

"Um, well . . . today."

Ashton stood up and poked his head out the door to see Jack pulling his jacket on. "Okay. I'll come over as soon as I can."

"Okay, bye."


Ashton changed into some different clothes and got out of the old mental hospital, taking the back-streets to Luke's. Jack's car drove past him and Ashton waved. Jack threw up his middle finger, picking up speed. Ashton, seeing this as a challenge, started to run. He could see Jack laughing as he started to sprint.

Ashton finally got there, puffing. He saw Jack sitting on the front of his car, texting. He smirked at the strong boy. "Took you long enough."

"Shut up."

Ashton got to the front door and knocked. Luke answered quickly, grinning at his boyfriend, kissing him on the cheek. "Ash, you met Jack, I see."

Ashton smiled, going inside the house. "Yeah."

The tanned boy sat next to his boyfriend as they watched the AFL. Port Power was losing. Nat Fyfe was on the opposite team. That was all Luke could pay attention to, even if his boyfriend was right next to him.

Ashton was whining next to him. "Baby, I'm hotter."

"Yeah, but you're not wearing short shorts or a singlet, are you?"

Ashton crossed his arms, getting up. He decided to go and talk to Liz. He'd met her a few times, obviously, considering they had been doing their thing for over a year. Luke's brothers were always busy.

Jack was always busy at the lab. That was just great. Ben had been going around being a legitimate architect. Well, Ashton assumed, anyway. He could never be too sure with this family.

"So, Ashton, what do you do?"

What does Ashton do? Well, he lifted cars and ran away from hunters, but it wasn't like he could tell them that. "Um, nothing, really. I just kind of hang out with Luke and stuff, I guess."

"You guess?" Ben quirked an eyebrow.

Ashton tensed up, afraid he said something wrong. "Y-Yeah."

The middle child broke out into a grin. "I was just busting your balls, Ashton; calm down."

"So, Jack," Ashton started, cutting up his steak. "Genetic mutations, yeah?"

Jack shot him a 'you fucking prick' look. "Yeah."

"What kind of genetic mutations?" Ashton asked innocently, feigning interest in the subject as he slipped some steak into his mouth.

Jack was full-on glaring at him now, not finding his joke funny. "Shut up, Ashton."

The whole Hemmings family raised their eyebrows at Jack, not knowing Ashton and Jack had met beforehand. Liz slapped him on the back of his head, scolding him before taking a sip of her wine.

"Motherfucking kid can't be nice for once," she mumbled under her breath, stressed already.

"Jack, what the fuck was that for!" Luke exclaimed, eyebrows furrowed. Ashton rubbed his face nervously, not liking how he already knew this was going to turnout. "He was just asking a question about your job."

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