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Honestly... i have a trouble writing this story... idk why it's just hard XD and thats why i need longer time to update XD I'm sorry...

Frisk really Love him..
He treat her like a precious jewelry after he discover his feelings... but little did she know, she already love him even before he treat her like that...
He knows if he begin to love someone... something bad will happen... it's always happens... like Paps and his father.. but he can't help to falling for her, it's tiring him..

Frisk always look so happy, she will always smile brightly to him and with that simple action is making him happy as well...
But he didn't know that Frisk always look down to her feet when he was not looking...she always feeling sad, well.. she sad because she always know that deep inside he is really broken. She don't want him sad... and become a person who have a key for his happiness is hard.. she know she can reset and bring all his family back... but... can they meet again? Can he remember her?

That day Frisk woke up and found that is raining outside..
Frisk really love rain.. and it's beautiful sound of the rain drops always make her feels better... She steps outside letting the rain soaking her... but then she catch a figure who standing not really far away from her.. it's was Sans.. he look up to the sky, letting his jacket and cloth get soaked.. but what made her smile fell that this time he show his real face... the broken one..

Sans forget what it's feels like to care to someone before he care for Frisk... so when he care... all the nostalgia feeling that he share with his bro and father punch him on his face and made him feels once again what it's feels like to loose them... his heart not numb like before, they begin to show a yellow glow from inside... and really.. Sans miss his family.

Frisk notice a yellow tears that fall and get mixed by the rain... her heart ache... she must do this... she can't see him like this anymore.. it's doesn't matter if they can't meet again, she would do anything for him.
She approach him letting a small smile blooming once again on her face..

"G... you will catch a cold you know"

Look startled by her, Sans look at her and smirk... covering his sadness.

"Well.. im powerful monster.. and monsters can't get sick.. you the one who have to worry princess"
"Well it's nice out there... i don't mind to get sick"
"Hell no! you have to go inside and take a warm bath... or else i will drag you myself"
"Nope... unless you want to dance with me, then i will go inside"
"Gez.. you really are kid"

But even after he said that, Sans give his hands to her to take... they dance in the rain, not really like dancing more like spinning around and laughing their a*s off.. the melody of the rain drops creating a simple but happy mood for them.. letting they forgot their problem even just a moment...
After what it's feels like a hour or more, Frisk stop and stare at him while still griping both his hands.

"G... did you miss your family?"

Once again he look startled by her question, but he decide to tell her the truth.

"Do you want they come back..?"
"Then... i will reset for last gift.."

Frisk let go of his hands, Sans to stunned to react but then he know what will happen if she reset..
Before he tried to find person who can rests the timeline.. but now... he doesn't want it anymore..

"Wait!! Frisk!! no don't reset... im happy with you!"

But Frisk alredy to far away to him to reach, and in front of her appear a button that have a reset written on it.. she give him sad smile.

"i know they are precious to you G...let me do this... don't forget me kay... and... say to Paps and your father i said hello..."

Then she slam the button and all seems blur to him like he teleport but more forceful.. then the next time he open his eyes he are in his old house.. and he become short like before...


A blue tears fall from his eyes when he saw his brother and run to hug him... Paps don't questioning his action.. maybe little surprised but he know his bro better then anyone.
Paps will give Sans a gentle pats now and then till he calm enough..

"Hei Paps..."
"Yes brother..."
"Uh... a girl that...i like.. say hello to you.."

Sans eyes and heart broke when he mention her and of course Paps notice this.

"Yes Paps.. definitely.."

Sans lift his head and look around...

"Paps... where is dad?"

Sans sigh sadly... he supposed to feel happy...he got his family back after all, but... something still crushing him... he miss Frisk.. but what can he do?... he can't go to aboveground.. not before they destroy the barrier...
Suddenly his dad appear in front of him, looking really sad for some reason.

"Sans... can we speak for a moment"

Gaster teleport them to the lab.. it's strange because usually Gaster only use his power if he really need it.. so this is gonna be a serious conversation. Gaster stare at his son... his face look so heart broken.

"Sans... we need to go to the aboveground as fast as possible"
"Dad.. why do you want to go to aboveground so suddenly... last time i know you not really excited about that idea.."
"It's... Frisk.."

Sans stare at his dad with shock... hoe can his dad know her.. and what with that heart broken look on his face...
then Sans suddenly feels really dumb.. how can he forget.. he lost his dad because... they become one...
Because human come and attack underground he and Gaster tried to protected the lab, but unfortunately the lab exploded and combine their soul to a G Sans... that's mean.. Gaster have a same feeling to Frisk like him...

"S-so... like her too huh?"
"Yes... my son"

Okay... being far away from her is hard... and now he must share same feeling with his dad... Sansastic...
Noticing his son gloomy look, Gaster smile sadly to him.

"We will find a way son.. but first we must find a way to get to her"
"you are right....let's work"
"Thats my son"

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