Chapter 4

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When I wake up, the first thing I realise is that my head hurts, my eyes stinging a bit even though I haven't even opened them yet. I let out an uncomfortable groan. 

The sound of clothing rustling besides me draws my attention and I try to open my eyes, before giving up on that when a familiar face rings out,
"Kiara, are you okay?"
Though I can't see him, I can hear that Luca's voice is filled with concern.
"Yeah..." I say before forcing my eyes open. For a moment my vision is blurry, but it settles again soon enough, revealing Luca's worried face to me.
I blink a few times. "What... happened?" I'm in my room, with Luca seated next to me on the bed. Wasn't I at school? Weren't we at school? And Dante, and that light...
"You fell asleep in class," Luca answers my question. "You wouldn't wake up so I asked the teacher if I could bring you home,"
"Ah... Thank you," That definitely sounds more logical than Dante suddenly appearing at my school and Luca shining light. What an odd dream that was...
"Are you sure you're alright?" Luca asks, grabbing my hand lightly, as if my hand will shatter if he grabs it too tightly. I don't recall him ever treating me quite this gently. It's a little odd, and yet, not unpleasant.
"I'm fine... thanks," I murmurs.

A soft, tender smile appears on his face. "I'm glad,"

For a moment I find myself lost in the baby blue colour of his honest eyes, before I shake my head, wincing at the pain that shoots through it. Okay, the sudden movement hadn't been a good idea.
"Kiara," And the worried tone is back, his eyes a little wide. "Are you okay? Are you in pain? Did something hurt?"

"Ah... No. No, I'm fine, thanks." I slowly sit up.

"Well, if you're sure... Anyway, I'll just leave you to rest now," He smiles, before standing up.
"Alright," I nod, watching as he takes a few steps towards the door.

Luca reaches out to grab the door handle before he pauses, glancing back at me with an unreadable look, before he shakes his head gently, his golden hair swaying in front of his eyes. "Later," He murmurs. For some reason he sounds a little sad...

He dips his head down slightly, before he leaves the room.

I remain sitting in my bed. What just happened...?

Finally the pain in my head passes and the burning in my eyes disappears like they never burned to begin with. I'm not sure exactly how long I've been asleep, but I'm starving. A glance outside at the pitch black sky is enough to tell me it's well past dinner time even without looking at the clock. A glance at the grandfather clock in the hall leading up to the kitchen confirms that it's a little after eight.

I pass at the kitchen table, finding my wallet on the floor under it. Odd. It must've fallen out of my bag this morning. I couldn't find it at school after all- oh wait. That had been a dream, right? Luca glowing... Hah.
I crouch down and grab my wallet, and then I pause. It feels kind of...?
With a slight frown on my face I straighten up and empty my wallet. The cards are there, the coins are there... But the bills? Gone. It's empty.
For a moment I just stand there, staring at my wallet.
What happened? Where did the money go? Matt's face comes to mind, but... He wouldn't, right? With everything that he's been doing... surely he wouldn't steal from me, right...?
The frown on my face deepens as I leave the room, heading up the stairs at a brisk pace. I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong. Please let me be wrong. "Matt," I knock on the door, then enter without waiting for a reply.
As usual he is at his computer, though he quickly presses away what he had open. No matter, this is more important.
"I didn't say you could come in," Judging from the tone in his voice he is scowling, but he doesn't turn to face me, so I can't know for sure.
"Matt, did you take the money from my wallet?" My voice comes out harsher than I had meant it to.
His shoulders tense and he doesn't reply.
Come on, Matt... Deny it. Deny it and I will believe you. Just-
"So what if I did?" He asks haughtily, turning his head away even more.
My heart sinks and for a moment I'm sure it stops beating completely. My brother... My own brother stole from me...
"You can go now,"
It hurts. My chest honestly hurts. What did I even do to be treated this way? With our parents gone I do everything I can to make sure he's happy, and yet...
"Matthew Davidson Cross," I raise my voice a little, forcing myself to straighten up as I move over to his chair in long strides. He doesn't turn to face me, but that doesn't matter. I grab the back of his computer chair harshly and turn it to face me. The fact that he's scowling at me only serves to upset me more.

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