Living with a Bad Boy

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Girl: "hello parents"
Parents: "hello child. We are going on a vacation around the world. We will be gone a year"
Girl: "I'm so excited!"
Parents: "no child. You are not going with us. We are going with are best friends. Who are married"
Girl: "I can't believe I will be staying at home alone!"
Parents: "no child, you are wrong again. You will be staying with our friends son. He is your age. Go pack we leave in the morning"

******At dudes house*****

Dude: "I like to man whore and be in charge blah blah blah. If you're staying at my house you need to stay out of my why blah blah blah"
Girl: "Why are you so rude! Omg I am just trying to be nice"
*yell yell argue argue*

*a storm comes and knocks lights out*

Dude: "this happens every time it storms, instead of calling someone to fix it let's just sleep in the living room"
Girl: "Okay! That's fine with me, because I have a fear of thunder."
Dude:"I'll protect you"
*wake up cuddled next to each other*

Girl: "why are you cuddling me"
Dude: "because I love you.

A/N: I am currently trying to read mafia books because that was requested. If anyone knows of a cliche mafia book I can read, I will love you forever!

Also, if there is a certain cliche you want me to do, I'm open for requests.

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