Living with A Bunch of Dudes

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Girl: Hello my name is *insert overly used name like Haley or Ashley* and I'm 17 years old blah blah blah now I'm going to tell you my whole life story and leave no mystery about myself blah blah blah
Lady who is driving me: "I'm sorry that your whole family all died in a car crash. You are going to come live with me. Did I mention I pushed 12 boys out of me"
Girl: "wow"
Lady: *drives up to big house* "I have my own fashion line, so I'm rich"
Lady: "I'll introduce you to the boys, one of them is older and lives on his own"
*points to each boy and gives name, age and hobby*

Me: *Forgets each one's name except for the one that the girl spends the most time describing*

Girl: oh my gosh I'm living with a bunch of Greek gods.

Boy age 18: "I don't want her here" *stomp stomp spoiled brat stomp stomp away*
Boy age 16-17: "He's just a jerk welcome to our home"
*Instant friendship*
Girl: *finds out her room is fully furnished and is very girly and pink because the mom always wanted a girl*

Girl: *over hears boy 1 and boy 2 arguing* "What's going on?"
Boy1: "nothing" *glare glare*
(Later realizes they were calling debs on her)

Boy 1: "I don't want you here!"
Boy 2: "Do you want to hang out sometime?"
Girl: "sure, I would love to"
Boy 1: " I'm going to take you out instead! And talk bad about my brother the whole time!"

Girl: "omg, I don't know which one to pick"

Boy #? (So you go back to the first chapter to figure out who he is): *Says some deep meaningful speech about love*

Girl: "I want the one that is a jerk!"
Boy 1: *rubs it in other brother's face*
Boy 2: *stops talking to everyone*
Boy 1 and girl: *Some how find privacy to do the do*

Boy's parents: "We know you're two are dating, keep the door open when you're alone in the same room"

Boy 1 and girl: *STILL DO THE DO!*

Girl: "Forgive me for picking your jerk of a brother over you and your beautiful sea green eyes, but I like his electric channel #5 blue eyes better"

Boy2: "I forgive you. I'm also banging your BFF"

Girl: "And we all lived happily ever after!!!!!"

A/N: This book now has over 6k views and yesterday it was #423 in humor!!!!! Massive thank you!!!!

I hope everyone had a good summer!

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