Forced To Love chapter 6: "Rainhart School"

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I woke up to the sound of Harpers voice shouting in our room. I sat up in my bed and looked around. Everything was blurry and all I could see was the shape of a womans figure. Soon I could se everything clearly again and the shape I had seen was the shape of Harper standing with her arms crossed.

She was standing in the middle of the room as she looked at us.

"Where have you girls been last night? Huh!" she yelled.

I looked towards Viola and Ebony as I got off of bed.

Viola scrached her messy hair and looked as if she was going to fall asleep again.

"We've been sleeping? Duh" she mumbled as she tried to stay awake.

"Oh are you sure about that?" I could tell it was a rhetorical question.

Ebony climbed down of her bed: "I swear we have been here the whole night. What has happened?" she asked as she tried to sound innocent.

Harper closed her eyes for a second to control her anger: "I found Majoki outside, does it belong to you?"  She took a blue bottle of Majoki up and pointed at it as she looked at us in anger.

"Majoki?!" she shouted.

The bottle was almost empty and I could almost see the stamp of "guilty" on Viola and Ebony's forehead.  

Viola acted surprised and astonished: "Omg that's terrible."

Harper sent her a stiff smile: "Yes it's terrible. But since no one wants to confess, I have to give everyone in this camp a little.. punishment" she went outside the cabin and slammed the door.

Viola laughed and so did Ebony. I was right. They had been drinking Majoki.

"Was it you?" I asked them even though I knew the answer.

Viola's laugh dissappeard and a stiff look was been replaced: "Of course. Who else would have done that?"

Even though I knew the answer, it still came to me as a surprise that they would take it this far. Majoki is not something to fool around with. I was a so-called rebel but not in that degree. In my area I was one of the biggest rebels and I knew that. But then again, it didn't take much to be seen as a rebel whereas in Violas area they'd see me as nothing.

"Who came up with that idea?" I asked one more time.

Ebony answered before Viola had a chance: "Elias."

Her answer stung in my heart. Elias?

Was he really that cruel? He could've killed them both and himself by drinking this. But then again. I wasn't better. I liked the adrenalin rush that ran through my body whenever I crossed some rules and knowing that I could get caught at any time made it even more exciting.

I had changed and I could feel it. From the very first electric shock I had when Elias touched me till now. I was weaker. I didn't like it. I liked being the girl in control of everything and the girl who wasn't afraid of crossing boundaries.

"Enya? Are you coming?" Ebony hissed. I looked towards her in confusion. Ready for what?


"We have to eat breakfast with the others."

I made a nod: "You guys go.. i'll stay here a little bit longer."

Ebony shrugged and went outside the cabin with Viola and Amber.

I didn't move an inch. What was happening to me? I was getting sick and tired of it. I wanted to be me. I closed my eyes for what felt like a second, and prayed to God that I'd be stronger. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

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