Chapter 19 ❤ No Lie

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The whole room sat quiet; no one said a word or even snuck a glance at each other. The thought of Mindless Behavior breaking up or a group member not being able to go on was more than heart wrenching. Roc rubbed his bottom lip with his index finger then sighed, breaking the silence. "Come on, guys.." he said, lowly.

"This is Mindless Behavior we're talking about. This isn't any ordinary group! We're much more stronger than we think we are."

"Roc, man.. just- just stop." Ray said as he waved his hand.

"I know that you're trying to make everything better, but face it. Just step into reality and look at the facts. I'm going to have to get something amputated and I know it."

"Don't say that, Ray!"

"It's the TRUTH." Ray screamed, startling him. After a moment of silence, Ray calmed down and spoke again.

"Listen.. I'm sorry, Roc. I just really am scared about this. I'm frustrated about not being able to walk again and Zonnique isn't doing any better." he sighed.

"Nah, that's alright, bruh." Roc said as he slapped the side of his shoulder.

Princeton looked the other way when he said that, knowing what he had done to her.

When Ray glanced at him, he knew that he was guilty. "Hey, Prince." he said as Prince quickly looked at him.


"I know what you did to Zonnique, and-"

"Look, I didn't mean to get her in trouble like that, Ray-"

"Prince, I know. I know." Ray said as he put both of his hands up. "All I am just saying is watch what you do to her. She's in a very deliquate stage in her life right now, and that's the last thing I need to be worrying about."

"But, Ray, you have to understand that I wasn't trying to do anything bad to her! All I wanted to do was apologi-"

Ray groaned then stomped his right foot on the ground, making him wince a little. "What'd I say, Prince?"

Princeton shut his mouth then shook his head. "You know what? Just... never mind."

"All he's just asking is to calm down, Prince! You heard he has diabetes and he's stressing. What's so hard about just toning the 'tude down for a second 'til he gets better?" Prodigy said, annoyed.

"Prodigy, you just need to shut the fuuu-" Prince froze in his words, then cleared his throat. "All I'm just saying is that I was trying to be on good grounds with her. That's ALL."

Prodigy straightened up his cuff links then rubbed his lips together. He was becoming beyond annoyed by Princeton's stubborn ways, but he knew he had to get his shit together for Ray. "I'mma let that slide." he said, pointing to him.

"I'mma let that slide since your parents are going to be here. But if you come at me with that attitude again, we're gonna throw those hands. And I'm not playing-"

"Prodigy! Stop starting drama! Damn!" Roc scoffed.

"Exactly! He's getting on my ass yet he can't hold his tongue." Princeton added.

"Prod, you do need to calm the hell down, bro. I just told you that I'm sick and you're only adding fire to the flame." Said Ray.

Prodigy rolled his eyes, completely ignoring their comments. "Let's just get this show on the road. I'm tired of talking to you dumb asses."

Ray, Princeton, and Roc all shrugged it off, along with Prodigy.

Finally, it was time for them to go to work fifteen minutes later. When they popped out from behind the red curtains, they saw about 200 girls in the theater seats.

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