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Charles...What have you done?

As I step out of the car I observe how the once magnificent "X-Mansion" has fallen into ruin. There are vines and weeds sprawling alongst what used to be a great courtyard. The grounds have not been taken care of and the house is in great need of repair.

Perhaps I did not put you in as much danger as I thought...you seem to be living amidst chaos...

The cold air whirls around me. I am glad I traded the rags from my cell for more substantial clothing. I walk up to the door and raise my hand to knock on the thick wooden door. I could easily open it myself...but I will knock out of courtesy...

I give the door a few quick raps, but after no response I decide to let myself in. I focus on the metal portion of the door and force it to unlock. I gently push it open and grimace as a loud creak breaks the bitter silence. I enter the mansion and pull the door closed behind me. My eyes have to adjust to the darkness inside.

I nearly choke on the dank and musty smell. It reeks in here... It feels humid and I can only imagine the overwhelming amounts of dust. How long has he been in here in this? I am startled by the sound of glass cracking beneath my feet. The remains of a bottle lay scattered on the once beautiful carpet.

I carefully step away from the broken glass and onto the hard wood floor.

"Charles?" I call.

I hear some scuffling and turn just in time to see a man lunge towards me. He misses me by a good two feet and goes sprawling onto the ground. I hear some quiet sobbing and I watch as the pitiful wretch on the floor rolls over so he can look at me.

It is Charles... His normally bright eyes are dull and yellowed. I look on in disgust as he proceeds to cough and attempt to stand up. His hair is untamed and frizzy. His clothing is stained and his appearance is like that of a homeless man.

I can tell that he is under the effects of alchohol and who knows what else. I have no pity for the weak. Seeing him in this dreadful state angers me. One of the most powerful mutants in the world is laying on the floor at my feet in a drunken stupor.

"Are you honestly unable to pull yourself off the floor or are you just excited to see me?"

Charles' eyes focus on me to the best of his ability and he raises and hand to gesture at me. I see that his hands and wrists are stained with blood.

"What do you care?" he replies. He spits at my feet and then pulls his robe closer around him.

I look at his weak and withered form and with a sneer I ask him a question.

"What happened to the Charles Xavier I once knew?"

Charles manages to get to a sitting position. He looks up at me and with a harshness in his voice he tries to speak.

"He was abandoned. Left in the world without purpose, without hope."

Abandon? Since when did I abandon you? Where were you when I was bleeding in the hands of my capturers? Where were you when I was beaten and burned? Where were you when I was in isolation in that small confounded cell? Do not speak to me of abandonment Charles. You know nothing of it...

I don't reply to Charles' accusation. What point is there trying to argue with a man beyond reason?

"Why did you come back?" he asks from the floor.

"To save you from an enemy you could not defeat alone."

...I had intended to save him from Weapon X...but I could never imagine he needed me to help him be free from an even greater adversary, himself...

I expect to feel Xavier prying into my mind for more information, but instead there is only silence.

I have no desire to quarrel with him so instead I leave him lying on the floor and make my way upstairs to where Charles' keeps his wardrobe. I ignore the filth of his room and open the doors of the wardrobe. I grab whatever clothing still looks acceptable and throw it in a bag I found conveniently misplaced in the middle of the floor. We have a long journey ahead of us my old friend....

I notice something is laying on the nightstand. A syringe. What would Charles want with a syringe? Realization hits me like a bullet. He never searched my mind because he found a way to block his powers. I have an immense desire to punch him in the face. What a waste of ability...

In my anger I cause the syringe to rupture and break so that it spills its golden contents all over the floor. I see his makeshift lab on the other side of the room so I quickly demolish it with a wave of my hand.

After making my way down the stairs I see Charles has managed to move himself to a standing position. How is he able to stand? His body shakes and convulses and his gaze focuses on me.

"Get out!" He snarls.

I simply ignore his demand and continue to make my way to the door. I refuse to touch his vile figure in order to get him to the car. I summon two candle sticks from the wall and warp them until they form a long strand of metal which I use to restrain Charles.

He spits out all kinds of obscenities towards me. These words are not his own....this is the alcohol talking...

With a flick of my wrist I lift the metal which is currently wrapped around Charles into the air. This causes him to float behind me like a massive balloon. I open the front door and step outside.

The bright light hurts my eyes because I had adjusted to the darkness of Charles' residence. I open the trunk of the vehicle and throw the bag with Charles' clothes inside. I look at what remains of the great Charles Xavier. He seems discombobulated and confused by his current state as if he cannot comprehend what is happening to him. I suppose his drunken mind would not be able reason or understand anything...

I open the door into the backseat and place Charles inside. I leave the metal around his torso for the sake of both of our safety. A drunken man is capable of much...

I slide into the front seat and start the car.

"Try to not throw up on the seats."

A/N: We really appreciate you taking time to read our story! If you enjoyed it we would love it if you would click the little star! We also adore comments (:

Lorna and Samantha

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