
521 33 15

I knew this would happen. Having Moira with us makes us vulnerable and weak. Charles you let your emotions get the best of you.... I push the car door open and hurriedly step outside. I must destroy that blood.... The woman is of no consequence. If I do not get the blood from their grasp then who can imagine what terror would result? I slam the car door closed and start to walk away, but am interrupted by the all-too familiar voice of Charles Xavier.

"Hey! Where are you going? Take me with you!"

Desperation fills his voice as he yells to me from his position in the car. Why would I take a man who is so blinded by emotion that he would be of no use? You would just hinder me Charles. It would be better for you to stay here away from the danger...

"It's too dangerous. Stay here."

After giving him my reply I cause the metal body of the car to morph so that he cannot open the door to escape. I even cause it to cover the window so that he cannot squeeze through. Who knows what idiotic attempt at following me he could conjure in his state of mind...

"You need me!" he cries into my mind because I am now out of earshot.

"I certainly do not...I am fully capable of leveling this place to the ground..."

"You can't do that."

I don't bother to argue with him. I continue my path and ready myself to attack the men hidden behind the walls. Any thought of mercy is lost and the all-consuming fire of revenge courses through my body. I will shred this place... Suddenly I am overwhelmed with the desire to free Charles. I must free him. But if I free him he will be in dange-....He will be fine....Charles will be fine.... My thoughts contradict each other and I feel as if another being has taken residence inside me.

Peace floods me and I turn around so that I am facing the car. Without thinking I cause the metal doors of the cage I had created to peel away so that Charles is no longer contained. I summon the wheelchair to rest in front of him and even lift it off the ground so he can slide into it. I roll the wheelchair until it's right beside me. Charles has both eyes closed and his fingers are resting at his temples. He even appears to be shaking and I think I even see a tear running down his cheek. I wonder what is wron-.....That blasted traitor!

Any type of serenity is obliterated and I am left with the rage that has been fed by his betrayal. He promised that he would never try to control me...Apparently his words corrupt as everyone else.... He made me release him. All of my free will was stripped away under his psychic grasp. His blue eyes are rimmed with tears and he looks extremely drained. He probably heard every thought that ran through my head....

"You know you need me, Erik, I know where she is and how to get there."

Regret, all I hear is regret. He has shattered any trust and faith I had in him and he knows it. The only reason I am still listening to him is because I risked my life to save him and it would be stupid to let the man who I am trying to protect fall into the hands of the government. He is being selfish...She is just one life, a human none the less....I must fight for the provision of all mutant kind.....

"I've never needed you Charles and I don't intend to now. You can rescue her on your own. I'm going to destroy the blood."

"But you don't know where the blood is!"

You have given a worthy point...I don't know where the blood is... I approach the center building and rip the door off of the hinges. I step through the new opening I have created and study my surroundings as I venture further in. A metal detector starts beeping as I pass through it so I crush it with a jerk of my hand. The sound of the alarm brings a security guard who shakily raises his gun at me. Humans and their guns... I focus on the gun which causes it to wrap around his neck and pin him to the wall.


He just quivers in fear and gasps for air. That is not the response I require.... I cause the "noose" to lift him off the ground until only the tips of his boots are touching the ground.

"Erik, Erik don't do that!"

Charles has finally caught up to me. He is no doubt disgusted by my barbaric behavior. I can see that he is no state to possess me again so I don't loosen my grip on the guard. In fact I cause it to tighten.

"Finally care to join me Charles?"

"Not while you're acting like this."

I turn my attention back to the man who is now struggling to breath. He has had time to ponder my question so he should be ready to provide an answer.


The man gurgles some kind of sentence that seems to resemble 'I don't know' which is an unacceptable answer. Perhaps he needs more incentive. I yank a piece of metal off Charles' chair and cause it to form a sharp point. I cause it to dig into the man's hand until he starts to scream.

"ERIK! Fine! Fine! Stop it! Let me try!" Charles exclaims.

I won't stop until he provides me with an answer... The man's screams are so loud that I am surprised that the area hasn't been swarmed with guards. Perhaps they have realized it would be futile to send them against the master of magnetism....

"He doesn't know anything! Leave him alone!"

Interesting...I would think that Charles would once again deceive me and provide me with the location of his lover. Instead he tells me that the guard knows nothing...There would be no reason to lie to me like that. He must be telling the truth. That is odd that he has not even seen a delivery...That vial would be important....

I throw him against a wall and frown as a sickening crack results. He will live, but he will have a painful time adjusting to his new physical conditions. I allowed him to live, Charles should be pleased.

"Erik...there is no mention of the blood anywhere. It's like it doesn't exist...I don't understand."

I turn towards the sound of his voice. He is bent over and using his gifts to search the minds of the individuals in the base. Perhaps they found a way to shield themselves from him? Or they were clever enough to keep it hidden from the employees.... There is only one thing I need from him, the location of Moira's labs.

"Tell me where Moira's work place was."

Charles sadly looks up at me and sends me visual flashes of how to get there from my current position. I now know what it looks like and can navigate to it myself. Moira said that she was in control of the project so it would make sense for them to store it there.... Moira is not my concern.

"Erik don't go. I need you. Moira needs you."

"I am sorry that you are blinded to the real dilemma here and that we must part in such disagreement. Farewell old friend."

Though I don't trust him I won't allow our alliance to dissolve immediately...Perhaps we will someday meet again...if we both survive....

I break into a run down a hallway that leads to the sector where Moira's labs are located. This is for you brothers and sisters....This is for you....

Hello dear readers! I am so sorry for the lengthy delay in publishing this chapter. I, Lorna, have been extremely busy in the past few weeks so it has been difficult to find a block of time to collaborate with Samantha and sit down and write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that it was worth it :D

Thank you so much for your support and lovely comments! It is so encouraging and we are proud to announce that are book is 3/4 of the way towards our goal! (: We have over 1.5k reads which is quite an accomplishment for us and we have you to thank for that!

We really appreciate you taking time to read our story! If you enjoyed it we would love it if you would click the little star! We also adore comments (:

Lorna and Samantha

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