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"When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide"

Voices... nearby...


I drift back into conciousness, but I keep my eyes closed. I don't know where I am, but I want to fully awaken before I alert whoever is watching me that I am awake. I almost reveal it when I am startled for realizing I am in water. Fear, almost as cold as the water itself, sets in. Are they going to torture me? Or skip the torture, and-

My neck is being touched, but not by my own hands. So torture it is. The hands seem to be holding my head above the water, but I know it is only while I am unconscious. I know when they find out I'm awake, the torture begins.

"His breathing has changed." I hear a familiar voice close to me. Erik?! Erik help me, what are you--

In the moment I realize it is my companion holding my head, I remember what has happened. He kills Moira, then comes back for me? Trying to save me? Erik, you're trying to save the wrong person. It is you who needs saving.

With speed that surprises even myself, I bring my hands up from the water while opening my eyes to direct them to Erik's neck. I pull on him to get him into the water. I hear a slight yell, and then nothing, as his face is not in the open air. A loud splash accompanies the the action, but it is too late to worry about who I have inadvertantly alerted. Guess this will be--

"CHARLES!" My head whips to the door, and I see Moira rushing in. I release my hold on him as I stare open-mouthed at my surroundings. I am in a small, ugly colored bathroom, in a tub full of cold water. Erik comes up with the help of Moira, but pushes her away while sputtering and coughing out water. They both look at me with horror, and-- pity?

"What would posse you to pull me into the water?" He appears outraged, and I know he has every reason to be.

"I--I was c-confused, I thought-- but, the dream--" I can't find the words to explain that I thought the nightmare I had earlier was real.

"Erik, he was probably disoriented, that's all."

"Disoriented? I would say so. He thought I was trying to drown him!" He gazes at me as if I had caused him pain, but it hurt me to look at him. Moira approaches the tub and crouches on the outside, just as I suppose Erik had been. She outstretches a soft hand to my forehead with eyes that shined as bright as stars.

"I think he can come out now." I readjust my hands on the sides of the tub in preperation to get out, only to remember that it would be impossible because of my legs. I can't believe I had forgotten... Actually, in that dream, I had my legs, and no power. Nightmare, actually. Having already inferred it was a fearful dream, and myself inhibiting my own powers occurring in it, causes a deep frown to set in as Erik lifts me from the tub and out of the bathroom.

"What, you don't even trust me to carry you? How were you expecting to get out of that tub? Where you intending to walk? I think we both know that's not an-"

"Erik!" Moira reprimands Erik. I shut out the voices of the other minds so I could focus on my own. Am I all right again? Is this painful experience over? It was more dangerous than anything, actually--

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