The failed escape Page 2

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That night i go to my room and take a shower i need time to think about what i am going to do.  I just want to go home to my friends they must be looking for me everywhere. Wait a second i have my phone and my kindle in my purse they were not smart enough to look through it when they kidnapped me! wow they call themselves professionals. Then right in the middle of my thinking to myself he comes in."GO AWAY!!!"no i am in the middle of taking a shower like jeez whats your deal one second your all nice the next your kicking me out of the shower like seriously this is my shower to you know since...then a girl walks in and says she needs to steal Brian away. I wonder what her name is so when they leave i listen to there conversation. i didn't find out a lot but i did find out that she is friends with Brian like good friends. Then i had enough and go in the room "UM, who are you? And how are you related to Brian?" Brian gives me a dirty look and tells me to go sit on the bed. "My name is jewels and i am 14 years old and this is my house my mom and dad gave it to me when they left. "No, this is my house not yours o bough it" I say a little to meanly. "Calm yourself , not this one this one." She then shows me a picture on her phone.And are you one of the pricey ones because you might need some work done to you. And i am good at that." "She is not going anywhere shes staying with us and not leaving well not for a long time."Says Brian. " wait, really you little backstabbing liar your selling me really is that how it goes? Wait don't tell me, what would be the whole point of that your never going to get my trust or my love so you can get your big butt  out of here and leave me be since I am going to the phone and call the cops wait why don't I just go to the station instead."

"Sorry but we cant do anything okay you have to leave eventually but for right now you have a couple months till you leave us. I am going to miss you tho"

"Why would you miss me you freaking kidnapped me so yeah an i hate you so that's your fault" I am crying now and i cant stop. He comes up to me and gives me a hug while i lay my face on his chest. It feels good for some reason i never had someone care for me. "Listen i need to talk to you okay?" says Brian " Fine what do you want?To tell me how ugly and worthless i am?" I say "No, i like you more than you think that is why i kidnapped you because i could not stand the fact that i liked you and you did not like me" Wait a second if he liked me then he must of known me and i don't remember.... wait a second" Are you that one guy who asked me out on valentines day?" "Um,yeah i am and i like to put that in the past" He says. I run out of the room looking for someone to help me i run into someone and before i know it i am on the floor next to some lady. "I'm so sorry my master is going to kill me if he finds out!!" "Who Brian?" i say "No, Steven he is my master? Do you have Brian wow i thought i had it bad i feel bad for you did he hit you? Your cheek looks brown for some reason?" "Wait, has Steven been hurting you or something?" "Yes, and Brian they both have and they wont stop" I then grab her wrist and tell her to walk now! I break the door with my foot and i leave her there and go up to Brian and start yelling at him. " What the heck is this yo have been hitting her or something because that is not okay she is bleeding and she needs help your are so sick you need to stop your ruining peoples lives you should not hit them that is not acceptable.!!!" I start punching him in the face even though it hurts me i don't care i am to angry to care i start kicking him next thing you know i am all up in his face slapping him. " GET OFF OF ME BEFORE YOU REGRET IT!!!" screams Brian. Then Steven runs in and pins me up against the wall. "Wow, dude she beat you up wow nobody has ever done that they have never been able to... What the heck why is Brianna in here she is supposed to be making me snacks and cleaning!!!" He lets me go and tries to walk over to Brianna and he lifts a knife up to her then i finally realize what he is doing before he brings it down on her i jump on his back and flip him over and get on his back and start to yell for Brianna to run she just stays there frozen i tell her she better run now if she wants to live. By then he is on top of me and is trying to punch me but it doesn't do much but put bruises on me. I run to a room a couple feet away and then I go in and slam the door close behind me i hear some voices it sounds like Brianna. "Hello?" "Heaven what are you doing here?" Says a girl wait that's the same girl that was talking to Brian. "Where is Brianna?" I say "What happened to you two? did they beat you or did you beat them" She chuckles. I tell her what happens and she storms in there next thing you know they are in the room being forced to say sorry." You said you would stop beating everybody!! " Brian has but i can't say the same about Steven" Says Brianna. " Brian then brings me into the room and tells me never to leave the room like that i obey because i am too scared to do anything else." Listen, you left like that and Jewels can''t save you this time we had a talk she will take care of her slaves and i take care of you. He then pushes me on the bed and puts some tape around my mouth then he goes out of the room and comes back with a knife and rags. I start to panic i don't know what is going to happen to me.  "Don't worry i love you i would never do anything bad to you!" I give him a puzzling look i close my eyes and sort of peek through. He starts to pick up the knife and i realize that he is going to kill me no matter what he says i start to yell "I'm not going to kill you but i will if you keep on screaming!" Then he gives me cuts in the shape of a x on my waist  it sings like heck and i almost want to die right then but i hold it in i have to be strong! Then he tears the ductape off my mouth  and i then run out of the room i am too weak to keep on running i open the door to  outside and that's when the light hit me and i faint and i cant feel anything except someone faintly screaming my name and i hear a gunshot i feel a pain in my stomach and i start to cry i can barely see everything is fading and blurry then that's when i go into a coma.

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