Chapter 5

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Chapter 5




Freddy’s POV



Shit, shit I think to myself as we head back home. I just could not bring myself to call the Codey’s. I really wanted to see that woman again. She was smoking hot. Her insecurities just made her that much more appealing to me.

But we did say it was a one night no strings attached kind of thing. Guess it will just end up being a wet dream for me. I smirk as I remember the previous night.

“What the hell are you thinking about that put that goofy smile on your face?” Patrick asked me.

“Ahhh man that was some woman.” I tell him.

He seems to be thinking but what’s with the frown on his face.

“What?” I finally asked him.

“I can’t help but remember the look on her face when I walked in this morning. Has that ever happened to you before?” Patrick asked making me a little mad.

“No I never spend the night with a woman. Not even with Veronica whom I dated for a long time. I would spent the night at her place but I would be out of there, the moment she would fall asleep.” I tell him.

“Hmm I wonder if this has been going on for years then?” Patrick said.

“I don’t want to think about it now. Let me go back to reliving last night.” I tell him and then close my eyes. The image of her face and body was still so fresh in my mind.

We landed back in Chicago and headed home to drop off our bags before going to see the chief. I was so not looking forward to this assignment. But hey once we get it over with we can start our own things. While Sam and Jim get the ball rolling.

I meet up with Patrick and we enter the chiefs office. He is a short rotund man. Kind of funny how he lives up to the cops and doughnut stereotype.

Always had one on the way to his mouth. In his mouth . Or just an arms length away.

“What’s up chubby cheeks?” I ask him as I pinch his cheeks.

“Very funny smart ass.” He sneers at me.

Oh the joys in life. Pissing off the chief.

“Ok here are the details of the job in this sealed envelope. See you when the job is done. The name of your contact is in there.” he says and dismisses us with the flick of his wrist.

We head out again and Go find Sam pencil pushing at his desk. “So what are you doing tonight? I ask him.



“Ah your back. Not a thing we hitting the gym?” He asked.

“You know it” Patrick tells him.

I head back home and take a nap. I’m transported back to when we first meet. I was on my way to drills and they where coming out of drills. They looked so cool they had been serving for 1 year before I got there. So I was still a green horn.

It wasn’t until I had rifle practice that it was discovered I had the skill to become a sniper. That was when I joined their team.

Like always I woke up soon after the damn dream started again. But this time Janet was in it and I was trying to save her. I woke up in a cold sweat.

I Should Have Been A Cowboy(Book 1 of the PI series)Where stories live. Discover now