Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Shit crouch down lower Patrick." Damn if we don't get out of here and they bomb we're toast.

"Sam did you signal Jim so he can take out that fu*ken gorilla?" I whispered. Jim is the sniper assigned to our unit. Here we are knee deep in shit trying to get out of this freaking hell hole.

"Yes I did signal to him, he's taking these assholes out one at a time." Sam tells me.

We were sent on a search and rescue mission. We got over run and it seems like all the other guys got killed off. They're taking us out one by one. I'm to young to die and so are these guys. We've been fighting side by side for the past three years. I trust them with my life.

I start to see guys going down one by one. Shit I can't see who's shooting. I feel my skin chill with the thought that death might be near. "Run Sam, Run Patrick." I look around frantic. "Patrick!" I scream I lost sight of him. Then everything goes black.

I woke up covered in sweat. It's that same fu*ken dream again. The same dream I have every night since we got ambushed. We lost 37 of the best men I have ever been honored to work with.

I can't remember how we got out. For some reason my brain blocked everything. The guys refused to tell me what happened. In some ways I think I'm the lucky one for forgetting.

I always catch that hunted look in Patrick's eyes. I know some thing really bad happened during those 6 months we where captured by the enemy. I'm surprised we made it out alive.

I don't understand what happened. Why don't I remember.

Fu*k I won't be able to get back to sleep now. I look at the clock and it's 4:30 am. I got up and headed for the gym.

I went to the locker room and put on my shorts and t-shirt. When I went to the bench press machine Patrick was there. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same question . You look like hell." Patrick tells me smirking.

I just shrug my shoulders. "No way did the dreams start again?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah. I don't understand why my brain is trying so hard to remember." I tell him.

"Some things are better not remembered." That's the same thing he tells me every time I tell him I had the dream.

"So did Jim call you?" I ask Pat.

"Yeah he said he was in Colorado working a job. But that if we're serious about starting the PI Firm he's in. He said he can spread the word with his contacts and we can start there." I smile, shit looks like we might do this after all.

"Did you talk to Sam?" Pat asked me.

"Sure did he should be coming off duty and swinging by my house tonight." I tell him.

He spots me while I bench press. I started to think of everything I've been through with these guys.

We meet while we where serving for the government. We where on a special task force. I can't give you any information because it was a need to know bases. And you lady do not need to know. Unless you want me to kill you.

After we served our time we made a pact, that after we got our shit in order we would open up our own Private Investigator Firm. The 4 of us, Patrick, Sam, Jim and me. We came back to Chicago after we served our time.

Well all of us except for Jim. He has a tendency not to want to stay in one place to long.

He just hops on his Harley and takes the road to where ever it leads him. Sam, Patrick and I came back her and joined the Chicago police department. Patrick and I specialize in undercover work. Surprisingly Sam picked a desk job.

I finish my workout and head back home after telling Patrick we would all meet at my house for dinner and drinks tonight.

When I got home it was time to take a shower and head to work. I put on my uniform and got ready for work. The dream was still lingering in the back of my brain all day at work. But I muddled through it.

I got home that night and made us some steaks with potatoes and shit I even made some carrots. I've been living alone for ages. So it was either learn to cook or starve.

Yeah I grew up in a foster home after my old man killed my mom. He got put in jail and she got put in the ground. Yeah I know I sound heartless just spilling something out like that but I've learned to accept it.

I had a death wish for the longest. That's why I signed up for that task force where I met the guys. Not a lot of people make it out alive from there. But hey what do you know. Guess it just wasn't my time.

My steaks were almost done when there was a knock at my door. I was on my way to open it when Jim burst through the door. "What the hell man, stop picking my locks." I glare at him.

"Shit didn't you hear my motorcycle when I drove up?" he asked.

"Crap I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear a thing." He looks at me.

"Dude you look like shit. You having those dreams again?" I shrug.

"I don't think any of us are ok after what we went through." He gets this pained look in his eyes and like always changes the subject.

"Where are the beers. I could really use one about now." He tells me.

I sigh knowing that again he will not tell me anything. I walk over to the kitchen and get 2 beers. "Patrick said you where in Colorado." I say.

'Yeah I was but I figured you guys might need help and I was done with my last job."

"That's good, Yeah we'll need help. Patrick and I are going on our last undercover job. Before we leave the force. But before that I'm heading with him to Longview Texas. His cousin Lucy is getting married." I shrug and take a drink.

"He wants me to go with him. Guess that makes me his plus one." We laugh and finish our beer. Then Sam and Patrick arrive. Damn I love these guys. They turned into the family I never had.

We ate and caught up through dinner. Jim bragging about all the ladies he as had the pleasure of um getting acquainted with. I personally just got out of a relationship. Not a lot of women want to date an undercover cop.

"So how come you never introduced me to this cousin of yours Patrick. Is she a feisty Irish redhead?" Jim asked.

"Are you kidding none of you losers are good enough for Lucy. Plus she's loved this guy since she was like 15 or something like that." he tells us.

"It's a freaking funny story. See she goes to her family's ranch in Texas on her mom's side every summer. She freaking would join the rodeo. Was a barrel racer I think or something like that. The dude she's marrying thought she was a freaking prima donna because she came from Chicago. So she let him believe that until he saw who she really was now there getting married." he said.

"No shit" we all say

"Is she hot?" asked Jim earning him a punch on the arm from Patrick. We laughed and continued to eat and drink. We got so freaking drunk. I was glad we didn't have to work the next day.


Here you go just a little glimpse into my new hottys.

Make sure to check out the slide show so you can put a face to the name.. 




I Should Have Been A Cowboy(Book 1 of the PI series)Where stories live. Discover now