Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


God I hate that I said that to Janet she really does look like a nice girl. Well smoking hot is more like it. But they did tell us that from everything they did to us while we were POW's we would never have children.

Now here he is with one. I should admit that I felt a twinge of jealousy seeing him so happy. But if she is his. That would make me an uncle. She is the cutest thing ever.

I smile thinking about her sweet smell. As I pull my Harley into the street. I was on my way to the bar To see my cousin Lorenzo who had called me. Wait I should say club he hates the word bar. He seemed frantic. Guess he's having chick problems. Seems to have fallen in love with some woman. But he does not know where she lives just what she does for a living.

Said she is part owner of some 1-900 phone sex business. I must admit it's pretty hot. He said she's in to his Master thing and everything else. But I don't understand what scared her away, But he is determined to find her. That's were I come in. he's going to hire me to track her down.

I repeat women are just a pain in the ass. I think as I stop at a red light and hear the roar of another Harley to my right. I turn my face in time to see this killer goddess on it. All in black leather. Tight black leather with lumps in all the right places. Man is she looked smoking.

I had to shift in my seat. My friend woke up in a flash. She turned to me and looked my bike over before looking at me. "Sweet ride" she said with a voice that practically oozed sex.

I looked her in the eyes and said "Your fu*king hot." She narrowed her eyes and took off. What the hell was I thinking. I would never say that to a woman. Damn If I didn't follow her.

At the next stop light I caught up to her "I'm so sorry I don't know why I said that." I told her.

She smiled "It's because I am hot now buzz off" and she just rode away. My heart was still doing 100 miles an hour to the beat of her roaring engine by the Time I got to Lorenzo's club.

What the hell was that?



Freddy's POV

So I took Janet down town and showed her the sights. She seemed to be having a good time. One of the stops I made was to a jewelry store.

"Freddy why are we here?" she asked.

"I don't want to tell people you're my babies mother. I want to say you're my fiancé. This way we can still work out my problem but I'll know the men will stay away." She looked at me and then at the rings with longing but still unsure.

"Please I love you and I'm sure things will work out...Think of Baby Kate. don't you want her to grow up in a home with a mom and a dad?" I asked her.


Yeah I know that was dirty pool but I need to make sure she's bound to me in some way. I know we have our daughter but she does not bind us. A ring will.

I walked over and asked for one in particular I had seen it one day. I came in here with a cop buddy of mine when he proposed to his now wife. I saw it and even though I was dead set on never getting married. It spoke to me when I came. It told me it would belong to the woman I loved.

"Just try it on." I tell her.

The guy takes it out and polishes it. Then she slips it on her finger and what do you know perfect fit. My heart flutters seeing my ring on her finger. She looks at it and I could practically hear the wheels turning.

I Should Have Been A Cowboy(Book 1 of the PI series)Where stories live. Discover now