Day 8: Dancing

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A/N: Not my picture

Marinette couldn't remember when it started raining, she was sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower; she had come earlier in the day when she was looking for some inspiration for her designs but couldn't find any

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Marinette couldn't remember when it started raining, she was sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower; she had come earlier in the day when she was looking for some inspiration for her designs but couldn't find any. It never failed to give her inspiration but it seems ever since her kiss with Chat Noir. She had inflicted the kiss but didn't think it would have any lasting meaning; but here she was, still thinking about it a week later and not being able to do anything.

For some reason the kiss had stopped her, she couldn't move on in time. It was like she stopped in time but the rest of the world hasn't; was it like this for Chat Noir? She wasn't sure but that wasn't her main priority at the moment, she needed to get her inspiration back.

There was soft music floating in the wind from a restaurant nearby, the rain was pounding down and she was the only one crazy enough to be out. It wasn't until a jacket fell over her shoulders, that Marinette realised that she was shivering and looked over her shoulders to see who gave her the jacket. Chat Noir wasn't who she expected to see.

His blond hair was soaked and falling in his face, his emerald eyes shining and a soft smile on his face. "What's my princess doing out here in the rain?" he asked sitting down next to her, "I understand the Tower is beautiful and all, but it's nicer inside and warmer too."

"I need inspiration for designs, I haven't been able to come up with anything and when ever I need inspiration, I come here," Marinette signed and leaned her head on Chats shoulder, "but it's not working; I have zero inspiration."

Chat looked up at the Eiffel Tower which was glowing softly under the moon light, "Maybe you just need a distraction." He stood up and extended his hand to her, "Dance with me?"

Marinette signed and stood up, she wasn't sure what she needed a distraction from but she wasn't going to let the opportunity go. She clasped her hand in his and stood up, "I'm not quite sure how to dance." 

"Then let me teach you," Chat said as he began to move, leading her with himself. 

And in that moment everything was perfect. It was just her, Chat and the Eiffel Tower. 

Everything was silent except for the music, that was now playing a little louder, as the musician had noticed the two teens dancing in the rain. It was a simply melody that spoke of love, young love. The love between two people that was stronger than the world. The kind of love that only grew with age.

A/N: Whoops late, sorry I was sick and felt horrible. I'm better now but I don't have the one shot/chapter that was supposed to be out today. I am going to try and write it now, so I'll try to have that out in like 30 minutes/an hour. See you soon!

Marichat May 2016Where stories live. Discover now