Main Street

351 5 120

This area holds shops, small diners, the cinema, and small businesses. Most everything you can think of downtown is here.

 Most everything you can think of downtown is here

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The main two places that teens hang out at are:

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The main two places that teens hang out at are:

A small, but popular diner among the local teenagers. The owner had a teenage daughter that wanted a place to hang out with her friends, so this place was born. He named it after her.

The Soda POP!A popular ice cream parlor that sells almost every cold treat imaginable - and some baked goods

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The Soda POP!
A popular ice cream parlor that sells almost every cold treat imaginable - and some baked goods.

People frequently take strolls down to the end of the street to the boardwalk and just hang around there, staring at the ocean and talking

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People frequently take strolls down to the end of the street to the boardwalk and just hang around there, staring at the ocean and talking.

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