Chapter Twenty-One

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"What the hell was that, James? You know as well as I do that Advisor O'Hara taught you how to dodge that attack weeks ago, now try again!" Raven leaned against the ledge that overlooked the courtyard, impressed as she watched Patrick command her recruits. Before she'd left with Christopher and the others for the Western Approach she'd taken him aside and talked to him about training them in her absence. He'd been hesitant at first but after a couple drinks it didn't take much convincing. Upon coming back to see the recruits hard at work and Patrick taking her teachings - and even mannerisms - to heart, she knew she made the right choice. None of the recruits seemed to notice her above them as she stood against the ledge outside the Herald's Rest and she preferred it that way. It gave her an opportunity to watch them from a different perspective and get a better idea of what still needed to be done before she resumed command.

The two weeks in Val Royeaux with Cole had been a much needed type of vacation. Even with the luncheons, salons, and invitations from various nobles, she enjoyed being away from Skyhold and the time with Cole had only made it better. While the nightmares still came, he was always there when she woke ready to calm her and they'd spent so much time simply talking to one another that confiding in him felt like a second nature by the time they'd returned to Skyhold the night before. She'd shown him how to sew one night when they'd decided to stay up late. It had been a long but entertaining process spent around the large table on the main floor and with the fire lit to keep the cool autumn air from invading the suite, she'd elected to throw propriety completely out the window and dress in a loose top and the pair of shorts. She'd given Cole a pair of loose cotton breeches, but he'd gone shirtless. The entire night she fought to keep her thoughts hidden and to keep her attention on what she was teaching. If he'd gleaned anything he didn't make it known which was something she was grateful for. Her attention was drawn away from the recruits as she caught Christopher approaching out of the corner of her eye.

"I'm glad you're back," he said quietly while leaning against the ledge, matching her stance as best he could without drawing attention to himself. Raven looked over at him.

"What's wrong?" She asked when she saw that he looked anything but happy to see her. Relief, maybe, but his arms and shoulders were wound tight in his rather pretty red, white, and brown outfit. She couldn't remember the specific name for that particular ensemble but she remembered it being in the outerwear section of the Inquisitor's wardrobe.

"The Qunari want to ally with the Inquisition." He didn't sound happy about the news and Raven couldn't stop the frown from appearing on her face as she suddenly felt more uneasy than she expected. It was only a matter of time, she reminded herself. It was inevitable. One of the many dozens of things that would come to pass whether they liked it or not.

"What do you want to know?" Her voice matched his in volume despite the lack of worry she felt about people around overhearing their conversation. "Mind you, I know you won't like what you hear." She needed to get that warning out of the way.

"I want to know what you know." She nodded at his request and motioned with her head to join him as she straightened. Christopher moved with her as she walked over to the stairs and started to ascend to the battlements. Their pace was slow and unhurried, giving away nothing to onlookers about what they were to discuss.

"Are you sure about this? Once you know -"

"Yes," he cut her warning short.

Alright, then.

"Bull will know the contact. He's an elf named Gatlok, but Bull calls him Gat for short. The job is to eliminate the Venatori along the Storm Coast and signal the Qunari Dreadnought to arrive." She glanced at him as she spoke. They were now in the private square above the Requisition station where he'd met Hawke not long ago. Christopher nodded and took his place against one of the pillars, leaning casually and looking out at the massive courtyards of Skyhold. It was truly a beautiful view.

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