Chapter Six

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     With the help of her horse it only took Raven two and a half days to reach Haven from the Hinterlands. A message must've been sent because Cullen, Josephine, and Leliana were standing by the gates waiting for her arrival. Part of Raven wanted to hope that they waited because they missed her but the logical part knew they just wanted to hear what happened. She was silent as she stopped her horse in front of them, dismounted, and simply smiled at the two women. She addressed Cullen by his title. They watched as she walked her horse over to the stables and started unpacking what she'd brought, which hadn't been much.

     The three advisors stood there assessing the young woman quietly. She looked absolutely exhausted; her skin was paler than normal, her hair was loose and windblown, and her eyes were bloodshot though they couldn't determine the cause. At some point on her way back she'd stripped her armor and was wearing a pair of her black pants, black boots, and one of her sleeveless shirts. Her harness remained strapped to her though, the obsidian daggers sparkling in the sunlight. She motioned to them that she needed a moment and took one of the big bags the horse was carrying to Harritt who was busy at the forge. He stood up to greet her and they noticed the smile on his face as she handed him a bag. The older man looked through it and suddenly tried to offer her money which they saw her graciously decline before making her way back to them, another smaller bag strapped to her hip they had failed to notice.

     "He was short on drakestone and onyx before we left," she explained once she reached the three still patiently waiting. Cullen looked down and motioned to the other bag attached to her waist. She looked down and smiled at it. "Elfroot and blood lotus for Adan. Mother Giselle's request has already been filled in the Hinterlands." Raven explained. The three looked at her strangely.

     "We're happy to see you made it back," Leliana greeted, "I admit I was worried when one of my agents told me you'd left earlier than the others. It's good to see that you're okay."

     "Why did you return so early?" Cullen asked, clearly not knowing what had happened. Raven sighed and looked down at the snow covered ground feeling it become very hard to look at them. During her ride back she'd had time to think and realized that running off hadn't been the most mature choice.

     "I'll admit that I might've acted a tad irrationally. It was just a difference of opinion and in the end I felt that it would be better for the party if I came back early," She explained. "I know I'm not the Herald or an official member of the Inquisition, but I was there in Redcliffe and met with the mages. Would you like my debriefing now or once everyone gets back?" While Josephine and Cullen accepted her offer, Leliana looked at the girl standing before her already knowing why she left, but chose to remain silent on the matter. She wanted to hear what Raven had to say. Once they were outside the Chantry Raven stopped and smiled when the three turned to her.

     "I'll be right back," She promised, "I need to get these to Adan." Leliana nodded her consent and watched as Raven jogged off to the apothecary. They continued their walk inside, heading to the war room.

     "She's hiding something," Cullen said quietly, something Josephine and Leliana already knew. Neither of the women had a chance to reply because Raven had appeared at the door to the room not even ten seconds later. They stood around the war table watching her as she closed the door, grabbed one of the chairs in the corner, and straddled the back of it.

     "I don't know what your agents have told you, Leliana," Raven admitted. She probably knew everything already. The spymaster held up the paper with a broken wax seal.

     "I know you left early from the Hinterlands." She explained, "My agents contact me if there's a change in plans such as delays or early retreats." Raven nodded and looked down, her hair falling around her face and shoulders.

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