Chapter 5: Hello Brother

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Down Town Manhattan 22:08 HRS

Syrena woke up and found herself back in her apartment laying on her bed. It was still night time and the rain continued to pour outside. How did she end up back here? All the events from earlier this evening came back into her mind. Sitting up in her bed and she lifted a hand up to her neck and sighed in relief. Her mother's necklace was still there. She looked down at her arms and saw that they were fully healed, pulling her covers back and inspecting her legs to find they were healed as well but there was a deep scar on one of her thighs from the glass shard.

Syrena wondered if the police had already arrived at the auction by now. Whatever those creatures were, they did have a rather nasty bite. But then she remembered that the NYPD wouldn't be dealing with something like this. The sudden realization made The siren groan. The BPRD would be on the case to find out what happened. And no doubt her brother Hell Boy would be there too. Syrena jumped off and kneeled on her bedroom floor and looked under her bed, pulling out a black box and placed it the sheets. Opening brown eyes looked down at what it held inside. A black leather catsuit with gold stripes that had a tight little skirt and a hood with it. She took the suit out and started to undress when she finally noticed something.

The young siren still wasn't wearing her dress from the auction, but was in one of her silk night gowns and had nothing underneath. Now Syrena doesn't remember ever changing her clothes before passing out. In fact she was well asleep in Nuada's arms. Did the elf undress her? A sudden pink tinted her cheeks at the fact he might have seen her naked. And how did he even get in her house? How did the prince know where she lived?! She quickly dismissed those thoughts from her head as she continued putting on the suit and then putting her hair in a braid.

She grabbed her bow and arrows off its stand and attached a small dagger to her person before walking towards her bedroom window and found that was already open. That must have been the way he got in, but how Nuada knew where she lived was still a mystery. With that last thought lingering in her mind she jumped out of her window and landed on the ground safely before putting her hood on her suit up and walking back to the museum were the auction had taken place.


When Syrena got back to the auction there were reporters, police, and citizens surrounding the front of the building. It was hard to get through the crowd with everyone huddled together. She spotted a familiar garbage truck go by with the help of police and rolled her eyes. After all these years, even when her father was still alive working with BPRD, they continued to stick with that vehicle. Like no one question it at all. Syrena finally got through and made sure to be close enough to the street enough while it passed, rolling under and holds on to the bottom of the truck as it went down the street towards the back of the building. She dropped and rolled out from underneath as the truck stopped and and quickly made her way back inside with out her being seen. The siren made it back to the floor the event had been held and found that the place was completely trashed there was absolutely no one in sight. She took small sniffs of the air around her and cringed, pullging her nose from the disgusting smell.

"Freeze!" Syrena smirked behind her hood turning around with her head down, hands up in defense.

"What we got?"A voice she knew all to well which made her smirk turn into a small smile.

"Really? You're going to point a gun at me human?Aren't you all supposed to treat your elders with respect?" Syrena asked looking up and pulling her hood back, her pupils were slits eyes turned from brown to yellow before making them go back to normal again.

She blinked while looking at the tall red man with a long brown coat and saved off horns.

Hell Boy.

"Sis? Is that really you?" he asked in surprise walking up towards her.

Syrena put her hands down to her sides as all the agents looked at the two of them in shock and confusion, especially the pale human woman with the short black hair. Except Abe, who had a smile on his face also. Well, as much as a fish can smile.

"Hello brother, long time no see." Was all she said. She was immediately swooped up and pulled into a bone crushing hug, and with the demons big stone hand it had her struggling to breath.

"I knew it! You're alive! Sis, look I'm sorry about what happened , I should have never fought with you." Hell Boy says putting her back down on her feet.

"It's okay. We can talk about that later."

"Why are you here? Not that I'm imposed from you being here that is."Abe made his way past the agents and towards the two siblings.

"Two watch over him. Make sure he's alright and stays out of trouble." Syrena pokes her brother in his chest.

"You've been watching me?" Hell Boy asked.

"Yes. Just because I was crossed with you doesn't mean I won't have the instinct to protect you."

"Nice neklace." Abe complements.

"Thank you, Abraham. It...belonged to my mother."

"Your mom's necklace, you got it back! Where was it?" Her brother asked.


Syrena turned around and looked back at mess behind them and saw the case that had previously held her mothers necklace and saw that it was broken. All the memories of hours ago, those people screaming, the creatures, that troll—Mr. Wink, and lastly Nuada's eyes looking into hers flashed in her mind before the young siren focused back on reality and looked back to her brother.

"It was close by."

¸.•*¨*'•.Shards Of The Past¸.•*¨*'•. (Prince Nuada) {GOING UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now