Come, Come, Kitty Kitty!

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(A/N: Don't play the song yet.)
(Song: Hello Kitty - Avril Lavigne)

Luo's P.O.V
I seriously can't stand those guys...It's like all time slowed in vain when I listen to them. I try to do so, but that just doesn't work. Huang Lei is too smart and preppy. Wang Xun is too forgetful and happy-go-lucky. Uncle Bo jokes around way too much, but Honglei is a solid pain in the ass. No justification required. They got drunk again... Now I'm driving them home, to my very predictable dismay. Laughing and smiling is the complete opposite of me in my bubble. I don't like loud noises and drunkards, but sadly, they go hand in hand with the bozos in the back seat.

"Yah! Luo ah! When can we go back to the bar?!"

"We're not going to the bar right now. I'm taking you all home." After about thirty minutes, everyone was home except for Bo, who I'm dropping off at the moment.

"Why do you have to be a party pooper! There's more fun things to do at the bar! Like-uh....uhm...I'll think of one..."

"Just shut up and get out of the car. Go in the house and sleep." Uncle Bo stumbled out of the car as I watched him fumble with his keys and finally get in his house. I got home and lazily stepped out of my car. Sometimes I want a little companion I can love. Unfortunately, I can't have one since Lady Luck hates me so much. Taking out my key, I looked around while putting it in the lock.

Meow. Meow!

A cat?...You're joking!...I remember when I first moved here, I kept hearing a cat meowing at night. Sometimes I'd see it, but then it would run and hide like I was about to kill the poor thing. Now, it was sitting on the window sill softly meowing as if he was having a dream. I'm surprised he's still alive for a terribly thin figure. He must not be eating well, or not have an owner. Without making a sound I scooped up the tiny kitty and brought him into my house. Heading for my room, I put my jacket on the hook and softly set the kitten down on my pillow. I stroked his fur and carefully saw him heaving in breaths of air. His meowing continued, but were small and cute. Giving a small smile, I turned away to go in the bathroom to take a shower.


Kitty Lay's P.O.V
I like my new master! Nyah~He's so nice and cute~. I remember when I first saw him, I was really shy so I hid under his patio. I thought he wouldn't see me today, so I slept on the sill. But master is so good at hide and seek, he found me in the dark! His pillow smells like a rose shampoo; so nice, nyah! I saw him shirtless coming out of the bathroom in a towel! Nyaaaah~! I feel so dizzy already! My master's chest and six pack is so chiseled! I miss his touch already! I tried to get up, but my teeny weeny legs got swallowed by the pillow! Whoopsies, I meowed too loud! Now master stopped in the middle of putting his jogging pants on. Nyah~! Put your pants on, master! He saw me stumble and fall onto the bed to get up and sneeze.

Luo's P.O.V
I thought of giving my cat a name until I heard the bed springs and a tiny sneeze. I turned to see him cutely wiping his nose. "Why do you have to be so cute?" I chuckled softly and set him on the floor so he can tour the place. When he walked out of my room, I thought about how he'd look as a human. That would be a little interesting if he could be one. "Kitty, can you come here?" He trotted into my room and laid down in front of me. "I think I should name you... Do you want any in particular?" I feel silly asking him, but what the heck? I saw him go in my jacket to get my phone. He unlocked it and typed in a message 'Yixing.' I guess that's his name, then. "Okay Yixing. How about I wash you and then we'll go to bed?" He nodded a yes so I picked him up and went to the bathroom.

After washing and drying him, I took Yixing to my bed. "You can sleep with me for now." Yixing laid down next to me. He purred when I rubbed behind his ear. "Sometimes I'd want to see what you'd look like as a human. I bet you'd be just as cute as you are now." I dozed off to sleep with Yixing at my side.

Time - Morning
3rd Person P.O.V
"Master, it's time to wake up."


"Wake up, master. I made breakfast." A pair of drowsy eyes landed on a boy with cat ears and a tail that swished behind him. They were the same color as Yixing's fur. Luo stared at him without realizing he was in his house.






His eyes widened when he came to realization. "Who the hell are you?!" Luo rolled to the other side of the bed to keep his distance from the stranger. "Nyah~! Master stop yelling! It hurts my ears." The boy put his ears down with his hands and shut his eyes. Luo still remains confused as fuck on the opposite side of the bed. "How did you get in my house?" The boy only cocked his head to the side. "Master, you brought me in here. Don't you remember? It's me, Yixing!" Then Luo remembered the event of last night.

"Sometimes I'd want to see what you'd look like as a human. I bet you'd be just as cute as you are now."

"Yixing?!" Luo slowly crawled to him and rubbed behind his ear. "Nyaaaaaah~That feels so nice, master~" A slight blush appeared on Luo's face. Luo retracted his hand from Yixing's ear, awkwardly changing the subject. "So... You said you made breakfast?" Yixing jumped in awareness of Luo's breakfast. "Ne, nyah~! Follow me~!" Yixing took Luo's hand and led him downstairs.

"Oh....MY.....GOD!" The entire table was filled with both Korean and Chinese dishes from bibimbap to skewered squid and jjajangmyeon, everything was there. Wondering if there was any cleaning he could do to repay Yixing he stepped into the kitchen to see....






"Y-Yixing?!?! You made all of this and cleaned the kitchen?!" Luo gripped his hair in astonishment. "Ne, master! I wanted to pay you back for taking me in, so I made you the best breakfast ever, nyah~! Do you like it?" Luo turned to Yixing and hugged him, leaving Yixing surprised at his master's actions. "I-I guess y-you do like it m-master." Yixing's face turned an apple red while he was in Luo's embrace. Yixing had a few more feelings for Luo, but he doesn't know how to say it to him. Luo pulled away, but Yixing was still within close proximity of Luo. "I love it, Yixing. I do..." Big smiles were found on both faces in that moment.

After they ate breakfast and got closer, they snuggled in bed at the end of the day, telling each other's stories.

"-And since then, I've never liked asparagus." Yixing was out of breath from laughing so hard at Luo's "asparagus locker" story. When the two's laughter died down, Luo got lost in Yixing's bodily features. His chocolate brown hair and fair skin made Luo sweat. Those innocent eyes and small figure would make any man drop to his knees. But those pink lips, paired with his angelic voice, were a delicacy Luo would love to have a taste of everyday. Yixing caught Luo staring at him and shied away a little, but Luo pulled him back. "M-Master?" His face was beet red. He felt Luo's lips brush softly against his. Yixing loved the feeling and decided to take the chance. The neko wrapped his arms around Luo as their lips connected. Yixing gave out a slight moan as they fought strongly for dominance. Asking permission, Luo grazed his tongue against Yixing's lips. Yixing granted his master's wish and opened his mouth for him to enter, allowing his master to reach every crevice there was. "Mmmm..." They both pulled away, gasping for air. "Nyah~It felt good master hyung." Luo caressed his neko's hair as they both declared their love for each other.

"I love you, master."

"I love you more, Yixing."

Whew! Okay.... This oneshot was a little long but it did have its share of fluff and romance. Plus the music made it kind of cute and funny! WHUDDYA THINK?!?! vvvCOMMENT BELOW!vvv

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