Presidential Scandal

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(A/N: Don't play the song yet.)
(Song: BTD/Before The Dawn - Infinite)
"So, Mrs. President! I would like to ask a few questions for the citizens of America. Is that alright?"

"Yes, very. But before we get to the interview...I uh...have something to say..."

Present Day
"That man-stealer! T-That whore is tearing our family apart! Our family, Luo!" In the office of the White House the president himself was being argued at by his own wife. No one else was in the office except for them; not even the guards. The press and news all want their filthy hands on him because there's a rumor running across the states that the president is having an affair with a bright, bold, crime-solving detective. His name was Xang Yixing. "Honey just hear me out for a second-"

"NO! I'm NOT going to HEAR YOU OUT!" President Luo stood in his spot with no fear or remorse on his features. His arms were folded while he looked straight into the fury-filled orbs that faced him. A normal person wouldn't be able to tell, but Luo was about to break his rage meter from storing his anger too long. No, he shouldn't have been with another. Yes, his wife was the capiral queen of bitches. Yes, he should've handled this another way, but as far as he understands, the only way to get the message across was to move on to someone else and let the beast of the wife come out, which will be supported by all the events he recorded of his wife messing with a guard in the White House while off duty. That happened before Luo decided to play the game, but his wife doesn't know that he recorded her and the guard.

So here he is, not fazed by his wife at all.

"There is a scheduled meeting between me and a camera. The NEWS will ASK me about WHAT I HAVE TO SAY! NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOUR PLACE AS PRESIDENT, YOU WILL BE SITTING BY MY SIDE AT 9:30 SHARP!"

"You know I saw you, right?" The president still looked at his wife's eyes. Her confidence faltered a little, but she said nothing and made a B-line straight for the door. "The guard you check on when you're off duty?" She froze in mid-step.

"Hmph. And you say I'm gonna lose my job? What about you? Once I get the tapes to the presidential advisor, he'll take it to the Congress. You're statement to the states will mean nothing because if you check the time and date in the bottom right corner of the screen, it says that you were having an affair first, not me. Especially since it was five weeks before I decided to play the game. To be honest, you think you're in control when you don't even have a say in what goes out to the public. You're being selfish." Luo paused for effect to let her soak it in all the way. Then he spoke again. "You may be my wife, but that doesn't mean I have to suffer under your ignorance and gluttonous behavior. That is why I'm having an affair with someone who can actually love me and the family. So let's get this straight. If you tell the public about my affair, I'll take the tapes over to the Congress myself. You're reputation will disintegrate while mine will repair once the public sees the tapes also." After a few moments of silence, his wife walked out the door and slammed it shut, leaving Luo in his office with a smirk on.


"I guess I'll give my sweetheart a gift once I surprise him." Luo picked up his cell and dialed Wang Xun's number. "Hey! Luo! What do you need?"

"Hey! I was thinking if you could get the paparazzi off my tail and Yixing's for today and tomorrow?" Luo heard Xun's squirrel chuckle on the other line. "Of course I can do that! I'll get on it right away!"

"Thanks, man!"

Time Skip
"Another case solved today." A vibrant lamb and his buddies solved another case for the third time today. They placed all the photos and files in the right box and placed it on the metal rack. "I don't see how you're helping someone reach their ancestors by stabbing them fifty times in a row and carving a circled star on their chest." Lay's partner, Luhan, plopped into a swivel chair after making his complaint about the killer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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