Mr. Carter Black.

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The immediate feeling of happiness and

excited-ness quickly faded once I saw him. He was amazing. He had longish blonde hair swept just above his eyes which were an amazing blue. He had a strong build and wore a band tee with jeans and a beanie.

But what caused me to growl loudly was when I noticed the bruises and gashes covering his body. Not only that but the guards in the sell held on to his arms much tighter than needed and was looking at him with a look of pure hatred.

His eyes locked with mine and it was-as cheesy and cliché as it sounds-like the whole world just stopped. I couldn't read his eyes but from the smile he now held I can see he was happy he found me, too.

He the took a step towards me, causing the guard on his left, Max, to act up. Max pulled him back and took a good punch to the side of his face that echoed throughout the room causing my mate to stumble back, holding his cheek in pain.


Max spat in his face. And oh, was that the biggest mistake of his life.

At that moment I instantly had Max pinned against the wall. "LISTEN HERE." I spat in his face. You do not wan't to be dealing with a pissed off alpha female. "HOW DARE YOU HARM HIM!!!" I yelled. Max looked just about ready to wet his pants. I never yell, unless you did something VERY wrong.

"B-b-ut I was just trying to protect you l-l-luna. This is h-how we treat all r-r-rouges." He stuttered nervously.

"NOT MY MATE. YOUR ALPHA. DO YOU KNOW YOU JYST PUNCHED YOUR FUTURE ALPHA. I SHOULDN'T LET YOU LIVE FOR THAT. Im letting it go. ONLY because you didn't know. If any of you EVER touch him again, the punishment will be death." Yes I know it's harsh but my wolf has completely taken over now.

I looked at all the completely shocked faces around the room, and then at my mates who looked knowing and proud. I then threw max to the floor kicking him in the stomach and then again in the face for good measure.

"Guards! Take him to a cell!" I probably sound like an extremely harsh Luna, but I just found my mate bloodied and bruised. I then stood in front of him in a protective stance and growled at the other guards daring them to move an inch closer.

My mate then put his arms around my waist from behind causing sparks to erupt where he touched and I shivered.

"Calm down love..."

And weird enough it did calm me down. I took deep breaths and after about five minutes my eyes were back to there normal color, not black, and I spoke.

"Now that that's all done," I started after the guards took Max away. I turned to look at my mate, "what's your name?" I asked softly and smiled.

"Carter Black. Nineteen years old. And you Mate?" He smiled back. I loved the way that sounded. 'Mate'."Alice Summers, eighteen years of age, Luna of the midnight moon pack."

I stated proudly, I love my pack.

"Now." I started and cleared my throat. "Why are you a rouge?" I asked curiously.

Immediately his face fell and he looked to the ground, head hung in shame making me instantly regret saying that.


"No. It's okay." He cut me off. "I know I'm a disappointment. I'm sorry." He finished catching me off guard. How could he think that!?! "You are not-" I was cut off by my third in command frantically mind linking me.

'Luna!! The Silver Claw pack has entered our territory!! Killing members of our pack along the way!!!' Marc cried.

'I'm on my way.'

I can't believe this.

"All of you. Stay here. We have a pack trespassing. All of you stay here. Guard Carter. Jack come with me." I ordered. I heard Carter's angry and worried protests but I ignored them and walked off with Jack to go see what trouble we have now.

It seems they are declaring war.


Forgive me! I'm horrible! I'm sorry this chapter sucked AND it took so long. I will update much faster.

Don't hate me.

I don't know how I got all those reads but thank you!!!

For next update:

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Thanks!!!! :*

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