Chapter 1

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Simple Plan - Untitled (How Could This Happen To Me?)

Breath after breath, the whole situation seemed impossible the more I thought about it. The air in my lungs seemed to feel heavier after knowing it was my fault Timothy was in the hospital. I don't know how it happened, but after I kissed him, he fell onto the ground outside the coffee shop.

Now he lies on the white bed with his parents around him. I don't know how it happened, or even why it did. Maybe I took his breath away too much? I didn't kiss him long though.

Maybe he drank too much and his hangover was worse than he thought? Did his heart beat too fast?

"Miss Grace?"

I looked up to see the doctor enter the room. I stood and confirmed that I was her.

"My name is Doctor Harvey. Now, what exactly happened?"

His voice was gruff, like Misha Collins' character Castiel from Supernatural. Wouldn't it be funny if the Angel of the Lord came to save my boyfriend? His hair was blonde, much unlike the clueless character, and his eyes were green. He seemed trustworthy, besides, he's a doctor.

I folded my arms, not trusting myself to not accidentally touching anyone. "I was meeting him for a coffee date this morning. I got there late, and he just stepped out with our drinks."

I remember him seeing me, through his sunglasses, and his heart-stopping grin. I smiled back as he handed me my cup. His fingers curled under my chin as I closed my eyes. He pressed lips to mine, and he fell.

"I don't know how, but as soon as he kissed me hello, he just fell."

His coffee splattered onto the ground, coffee splashing onto my toes since I was wearing flip flops. It unusually warm today, so I took advantage of wearing open-toed shoes.

I took a deep breath, remembering the fear I felt, as his head hit the pavement. I remember screaming, dropping my cup in the process.

When the one you love is alive, but unresponsive, you feel an earthquake in your heart. Families ran around me, one happened to be a paramedic as well. Another woman touched my shoulder to get my attention. I saw her and pulled away. Her eyes closed, and she fell under the spell as well. She woke up a few minutes later though.

"Thank you Miss Grace. I'll keep in touch."

I glared at the ground,wondering what the hell happened to me. When did I have such power to put people under a coma? I glanced at Timothy, wanting to kiss him again, but fear of putting him close to death was scary enough.

I leaned down, my hair touching his cheek. "I'll find out what happened to you and myself. If I found out who did this to us, I swear, I'll make them pay."

I spun on my heel, and made my way outside, a new determination filling me.


That was nine months ago. I had no clue on where to start, but eventually, I decided to look up what happened that same night. Turns out, STAR Labs started the particle accelerator the night before. Since then, people with powers have been showing up left and right.

I came across this blog about "The Streak". Evidentally, its this red streak that's been showing up wherever there was trouble. I have a feeling that the streak has something to deal with STAR Labs.

My phone rang as I was eating lunch. I saw that it was Timothy's mother. I fought the urge to fight it, but after the third ring, I picked it up.

"Hey Andrea."

"Penny...he's awake."


I sprinted to the hospital. I grabbed the edge of the door panel and swung myself into his room and found his glowing eyes. His mother was holding his hand, and his father had a hand on his shoulder. Every one looked at me and smiled. I laughed and said, "You gave me a heart attack, Timothy."

Timothy's eyes scrunched up and said, "Sorry, but who are you?"

I felt my heart stop. I couldn't breath. I couldn't do anything.

He didn't know who I was?

"Timothy, it's Penelope, your girlfriend?"

Timothy looked at his dad and said, "I don't have a girlfriend and I don't know who Penelope is, Dad."

Timothy looked at me with soft eyes. Those were the eyes he gave me when my dog died in high school. His eyes had watered over as I cried in his arms, but now I couldn't even touch him.

This time, his sadness didn't reach his eyes. After all, how could you feel pity for a stranger who is in love with you?

I smiled and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry, I have the wrong room number. I get confused a lot with my doppelganger."

Andrea stood and reached for my hand. I pulled my arm out of her reach, and looked at Paul. His eyes were filled with pain.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

I instantly fled the hospital and out the door. Anger filled me.

If it wasn't for Doctor Wells, I would be happy. Timothy might have even proposed to me! How could this happen to me?

I saw faces pass by me, eyes sad. Others snubbed their nose at me after accidentally bumping into a few of them. I turned and saw a small set of stairs and a dark corner to hide in. I looked around to make sure I wasn't watched.

I quickly dove and leaned against the wall. I pulled my knees to my chest, wrapped my arms around my knees. I officially allowed myself to cry, and my body shook. My chest was tight and my throat hurt. I wiped my eyes over and over again, wanting them to stop.

My sleeves quickly became wet, and the air was starting to turn cold.

"Oh my gosh, are you alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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