The rule of marriage

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Princess Courtney had everything she had ever wanted and more. She was was a queen in training and her parents were queen and king of England. They were going to another kingdom to meet with another King and queen and there son the prince. "Princess Courtney may I came in?" Her maid called outside of her room. "You may." Courtney replied. "Your mother wants you to wear this midnight blue long slick dress." The maid said pointing to the dress in her huge dresser.

Duncan was the prince of Britain. "Duncan, we are going to meet with a princess and her parents, remember you must pick a princess to marry, it doesn't have to be the princess we are meeting today and this one is not personal favorite princess." Queen of Britain said to him, his mom. "May I see her?" Duncan asked. "Of course" his mom said while pulling out the tv remote and putting in the website of princesses he may marry. She clicked on princess Courtney. "Wow she is hot" Duncan said. "Persian of language" his mother said. "Sorry she is beautiful." He said. Later Duncan got ready his suit taylor and he helped him pick out a suit. He gelled his accidentally green hair, which happened in 1st grade when played with permanent green paint to make his hair seem punk.His maids set there dinning room with expensive plates. Duncan say mini papers with the each persons name on it. Right to his card it read "Princess Courtney" his heart melted thinking about her picture he saw.

Courtney p.o.v.
My maid showed my all the princes I will be meeting with into this year and that I would have to marry one. My parents favorite is prince Justin but when i saw prince Duncan my heart melted. They were going to go see him today he was much cuter than Justin I  thought. Then they got in there private jet and left to Prince Duncan's castle. His castle wasn't much bigger than mine. It was beautiful though.

Duncan's p.o.v.
Princess Courtney has finally arrived. When the gates opened and the King, queen, and of course princess were shown My heart pumped faster.Courtney had to greet everyone by curtsying. They all greeted her back I had to swing my head down and I added a kiss on her hand. "Hello princess Courtney how do you do?" "I am doing fine." She answered as she blushed which made her freckles stand out. "How do you do prince Duncan?" She said in such a cute voice. "Fine" I replied lying because I was love stuck. Courtney and I were to be a alone in our own dinning table.

Courtney's p.o.v.
Honestly I was a bit nervous to meet with him. He was very strong and had green hair and he looked more chill than anyone I have seen, and the most cute. "So princess Courtney how old are you?" He asked me. "Well I am 17 almost 18 in a couple of months." I answered. "You are very beautiful" he said a bit nervous for my response. "Well thank you, you are very handsome." I said blushing a bright red. "Well thank you." He said in a more sexy way. Soon later the food was severed we eat and talked and laughed a bit. After we finished he took me outside to his parents butterfly garden. We tried to catch the butterflies and chase them. "Wow this beautiful." I said. "Just like you" he said and I looked into his big teal eyes he kissed passionately. It took a second for me to kiss back but I did and that only made him gave my waist. I put my arms around his neck until I pushed away because could not breathe.

Duncan's p.o.v.
She pushed me away from her, I wondered why? But it was the best kiss I have ever had in my entire life. Her lips were soft and small. We looked into each other's eyes for a awhile until she broke the ice. "That was the best kiss I have ever had." She said. "You took the words right out of my mouth princess." I said. She blushed looking down hoping I didn't see her. Damn she was the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. I wanted her forever and ever. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her and carry her to a bench and cuddle with her so I did. She laughed in a way that just made me want to kiss her again. We reached my bench and and I sat her down next to me and wrapped my arms around her. Our parents were slowing coming outside and I didn't notice. Instead I kissed her.

So what do you guys think comment if I should update. Anyways so yeah I kind of like this and might start a new story so let me now if I should continue this one:).

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